Reg no: names • 11408962 pooja • 11407294
• 11413431
Burhanuddin Nazami
• 11406819
Case study
“who killed the electric car?” Is the title of a 2006 documentary film by Chris
Reason(dead of electric car)
Business ethical points
The first electric car were build around 1832, “Who
Killed the Electric car?”
The film focused on the EV1 model created by
General Motors in the 1990s.
General motors, was one of the largest automakers in the world.
In the 1970 GM decided to design a electric car. It was called the Electrovette.
The film discusses why and how the EV1 was taken of the market because some reason.
Reasons for death of electric car
There was the shortage of the supply of the spare part of electric cars.
Government has clear support for the oil industry. It has a large size of battery and taking a huge time for charging.
There was a huge competition in the market. High cost because that time electric cars was more expensive.
• The design of an electric car for production was the difficult task but the GM did a credibly good job. • Rather than the focus on the quality of product and innovative technology GM discontinued its leadership role.
• GM had two divisions DELCO REMY and DELCO
ELECTRONICS, located only 50 miles apart in central Indiana.
• The other problems is that the US government had apparent support for the oil industry this leads to the death of EV1.
1) In my point of view GM faced a challenging ethical dilemma whether to strive to protected the environment or achieve financial success.
2)GM has an ethical obligation to allow the consumer and the market place to decide the future.
Ethical points
• GM adopted six environmental principles in these six principles GM stated that:.
1)We are committed to actions to restore and preserve the environment. 2)