Set Goals
Planned Actions
To improve awareness and ability to demonstrate Professional standards appropriate to level
To demonstrates through actions and appearance appropriate professional standards at all times.
To develop an awareness of role as a Nursing ambassador – What the uniform represents to: - Self
Fellow Colleagues
To understand the actions required to evoke the ‘trust’ of patients relatives and visitors by own conduct.
Negotiate off duty with mentor taking into account the requirement to achieved a minimum of 50% contact time with mentor and the needs of the service.
Discuss importance and implications of rostered off duty & good time keeping.
Discuss policy for changing off duty & revisit sickness & absence protocol for students.
Discuss uniform policy and implications in relation to; appearance, infection control and travel to and from work.
Discuss importance of confidentiality
NMC code of conduct
Local policy
Impact of breach of confidentiality
Discuss methods and importance of good communication
All Nursing Colleagues
Multidisciplinary team
Policy Manuals
NMC Code of conduct for Student Nurses
Link Lecturer
Can consistently demonstrates appropriate use off duty policy by appropriate negotiating skills re off duty arrangements and changes
Able to demonstrates consistently punctual time- keeping for agreed shift pattern
Able to discuss reasons for and adheres to uniform policy
Able to discuss and demonstrate awareness of confidentiality issues
Can demonstrates clear and accurate communication skills in both Verbal and written communication.
Acts at all in accordance with NMC Code of Conduct for Student Nurses