Sample Database
To help users of NonStop SQL/MP become familiar with the product's features, Tandem includes a sample database and sample application on the product site update tape (SUT). The sample database demonstrates the use of NonStop SQL/MP in a Pathway transaction processing environment. It includes several host language programs that use embedded SQL statements to access the sample database. Users can also access the sample database with SQLCI commands. The source code, database creation and load files, and installation instructions for the sample database and application are stored on a file named DOCUMENT on a subvolume named ZTSQLMSG when NonStop SQL/MP is installed. (The volume name is specified at installation time by the user who installs NonStop SQL/MP. To determine the volume name, check with the group that installs NonStop SQL/MP at your site.) If you set your volume default to the appropriate disk volume, you can use the following command to print the installation instructions:
The sample database is used as the basis for many examples in the NonStop SQL/MP manuals. In the examples, most of the sample database is presented as installed on three subvolumes—PERSNL, SALES, and INVENT—on a single volume. Each subvolume contains a catalog and tables relating to a specific operation in the organization as follows:
PERSNL SALES Contains the EMPLOYEE, JOB, and DEPT tables, which hold personnel data. Contains the CUSTOMER, ORDERS, ODETAIL, and PARTS tables, which are used for order data. Also contains the SUPPKANJ table, which accepts Kanji data for the supplier's name and address. Contains the SUPPLIER, PARTSUPP, PARTLOC, and ERRORS tables, which hold inventory data.
One table in the sample data base—the PARTLOC table—can be installed as a partitioned table. The examples show it as partitioned over three volumes on two different nodes. See the DOCUMENT file for additional details about the