Scope: To create a database that will store accessible information regarding Wild Wood Apartments quarterly report information.
Constraints: This database will not include all of a renters personal information such as social security number, employment information, etc.
Objectives: This project is to develop a centralized database for the individual complex managers to enter information into regarding their location where it can be reviewed by the overseeing management office in San Francisco.
Tasks and Timeline:
Gathering Data: Information regarding information required to be included in the database will be collected. This process will last 1 business quarter to ensure that all required information for quarterly reviews are included.
Time allotted: 12 weeks
Deliverable: Detailed list of required information that will be verified by central management.
Analyzing Data: Central management will assist in determining inclusion or exclusion of information that will be included in the database as well as prioritization of that information
Time allotted: 2 weeks
Deliverable: A prioritized list of information that is to be included in the database.
Normalization: A data model of entities with normalized relationships will be created.
Time allotted: 1 week
Deliverable: Entity Relationship Diagram for review of central management
Building the Physical Database: The data model will be translated into the Relational Database Management system of choice. All Tables and Columns with specific data types will be created and will include Relational and other constraints.