A. Notebook contents are complete, dated, labeled
B. Pages are numbered (odd : right-side, even: left-side)
C. Right-side/left-side topics are correct and contents organized
D. Lectures notes go beyond the basics requirements.
E. Uses color and effective diagrams making notebook-visually appealing
F. Shows impressive, in depth self reflections
Well Done
A. Notebook contents are complete, dated, labeled
B. Pages are numbered (odd : right-side, even: left-side)
C. Right-side/left-side topics are correct and contents organized
D. Includes most of the traits of a “10”, but lacks excellence in all areas
E. Most areas meet requirements but don’t go beyond
F. Shows in depth self reflection
A. Notebook contents are completed, (at least 90%) dated and labeled
B. Pages are numbered (odd : right-side, even: left-side)
C. Right-side/left-side topics are correct and contents organized
D. Use color and some diagrams
E. Information shows the basic understanding to contents topic
F. Some areas meet requirements, but don’t do beyond
G. Shows limited but real self-reflection
A. Notebooks contents are complete, (at least 80%) dated and labeled
B. Pages are numbered (odd : right-side, even: left-side)\
C. Right-side/left side topics are correct and contents organized
D. Uses minimal color and few diagrams
E. Information shows limited understanding of contents topic
F. Few areas meet all requirements
G. Shows some real self-reflection
Revision needed
A. Notebooks content are incomplete
B. Some attempt are dating and labeling entries are made
C. Right-side/left-side is consistent and contents are organized
D. Notebook is not neatly written
E. Shows little real-self reflection
A. Notebook turned in but too incomplete to care