If your score in the Midterm Exam is 0, 1, 2, or 3, this extra credit will earn you a passing score in the Home Works, and if your score in the Midterm Exam is 4 or 5, you will earn 10 points in the
Home Works. Those who scored 6 in the Midterm Exam is exempted for this activity.
This extra credit requires you to look for four (4) sample paragraphs from any textbook. These paragraphs are narration, description, exposition, and persuasion. Look for a sample paragraph that contains narration, a sample paragraph that contains description, a sample paragraph that contains exposition, and a sample paragraph that contains persuasion. So, the total is four (4) paragraphs.
Once you have these paragraphs, photocopy the title page of the book and the page that shows the sample paragraph. You can use the same book for all four paragraphs or different books. Old and new books are allowed. Elementary, high school, or college books are allowed except from the internet. Local and foreign books are both allowed.
Format of the Extra Credit
Arrange the eight (8) papers in this order:
First Paper: Photocopy of Sample Narrative Paragraph
Second Paper: Photocopy of Title Page of the Book of the Sample Narrative Paragraph
Third Paper: Photocopy of Sample Descriptive Paragraph
Fourth Paper: Photocopy of Title Page of the Book of the Sample Descriptive Paragraph
Fifth Paper: Photocopy of Sample Expository Paragraph
Sixth Paper: Photocopy of Title Page of the Book of the Sample Expository Paragraph
Seventh Paper: Photocopy of Sample Persuasive Paragraph
Eight Paper: Photocopy of Title Page of the Book of the Sample Persuasive Paragraph
Write the Class Heading on the first paper only
Dela Cruz, Juan B.
Extra Credit 4b. Sample Paragraphs
February 24, 2014
Staple the papers
Pass it during class time or in any of these time:
08:00-09:00, CS221
09:00-10:00, CS405