✓ Need, Wants, and Demands
Samsung always try to develop products that fit their customers’ lifestyle by studying their tastes. Samsung focus finding out what’s likely to sell before consumers even know they want it.
✓ Target Market, Positioning, and Segmentation
Samsung focus on design, as they want to be the Marcedes of home electronics. Samsung concentrate less on cost saving and more on coming up with unique products.
✓ Offering and Brands
Electronics, Good Design, Unique, Affordable Price
✓ Value and Satisfaction
Samsung is very committed to research as they listen to the feedback on their new products/models. They also try to make sure consumers get maximum value for an affordable price.
✓ Marketing Channel
✓ Supply Chain
✓ Competition
In the analog age, Samsung devoted most of its energy trying to catch up with Japanese leaders, but the arrival of digital put everybody on the same starting line. However, the rivals, whether newcomer or veteran, aren’t standing still.
✓ Marketing Environment
2. Discuss the role of consumer research in guiding Samsung’s initiatives in designing new products.
It’s very critical.
✓ At the very beginning phase, studying the customers’ taste (how they actually use products) guide Samsung to develop products that fit their customers. It helps them to focus on finding out what’s likely to sell before consumers even know they want it. Samsung also send the designers abroad to spend few months at fashion houses, cosmetics specialists, or design consultancies to stay current with the latest trends.
✓ Through the usability laboratory, many designers sit in on focus groups and watch closely as potential customers provide feedback on their new models. The complaints they get is very important as it will be used for