Samuel F.B. Morse
By Stephen Trieu
Influential American Figure Essay: Samuel F.B. Morse
As America slowly entered the age of innovation and technology, the need for rapid
communication was in high demand. Many people began experimenting with water and electricity to create the telegraph but failed until Samuel Morse joined the race. Pencils cracked and trash bins were filled with crumpled heaps of paper. Finally, the first electric telegraph was created. As of today, Samuel F.B. Morse remains as one of the most influential figures of American history because he contributed to society by creating the singlewired electric telegraph.
Samuel …show more content…
The Morse Telegraph quickly spreads around the world, greatly impacting their lives.
Australia, Europe and India eventually made their own telegraph lines. Morse became instantly famous and he was rewarded by many nations for his “acts and contributions to the scientific community”. A submarine telegraph was built and connected Ireland to
Newfoundland. The queen of England tested it and also gave him a medal. The whole world was grateful for his invention and it changed how everybody lived. Anybody could send messages around the world in just a matter of minutes. But then the telephone was invented a few decades later. As the telegraph rage went down, people began to remember Samuel Morse as a painter instead of a inventor. Although he opposed against this, he was still happy and spent his vast amount of money on his house. It overlooked a farm, stream and forest. The rest of his life was mainly quiet and pampered. Morse died in New York City on April 2, 1872.
As of today, Samuel Morse is still recognized as the founder and creator of