Christopher Columbus, an Italian exploer, went on an expedition to find a shorter route to Asia but instead he discovered America. His exploration opened upp settlement and exploitation to North America but also caused the native population to drop due to environmental deterioration, subjugation, and disease.
Another exploer from the 15th century was John Cabot, who was also Italian, was sent on a voyage across the Atlantic by King Henry VII of England, seeking toto find a shorter route to Asia than Columbus's voyage and to find new lands for England. Cabot then discovered the mainland of North America, …show more content…
Drake discovered that the wolrf wasn't flat while traveling. He was also known as being the first englishman to circumnavigate the wolrd.
About 30 years after Drake's expedition, HEnry Hudson sailded to find a water route to the North Pole for England and the Dutch. He discovered and explored Greenland, Canada, and also the U.S.. Hudson did not succeed to find a passage to the Pacific ocean but did gain more knowledge of North America and the Artic.
Over 100 years later after Hernando de Soto's discovery, Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet went on an expedition to spread Christianity to the Native Americans and explore the unsettled territory of North America, starting from the Great Lakes region to the guld of Mexico. During their voyage south, they talked to local Native tribes and mapped the regions.
Inthe 18th century, British explorer, navigatior, cartographer, and captain, James Cook started his journey from Plymouth and set offto travek to New Zealand and theGreat Barrier Reef of Australia. He then discovered the Hawaiian Islands but later was murdered by Native