Blend of Temperaments
There are blend descriptions all over the Internet. All such blend descriptions are observations from people with many years of experience using the Four Temperaments.
The following are blend descriptions taken from Such observations are expansive, but not conclusive. Be free to develop your own observations, over time.
1. Sanguine Choleric
The Sanguine Choleric is a study in contrasts. The most extroverted of the extroverts; the Sanguine
Choleric combines a love of social interaction with a goal oriented approach. This blend makes an excellent sales person – they are not afraid of talking with people, but they always remember that they are trying …show more content…
to sell something. Their charm combined with their outcome focus gives them a great deal of drive.
But using the metaphor of a salesperson, this individual will be the one accomplishing great sales goals but never file their expense reports or sales forecasts. Do not expect the Sanguine Choleric to cross t heir
“T‟s” and dot their “I‟s”; they are too busy accomplishing great things.
The weakness of the Choleric – a lack of sensitivity to others and a tendency to hold a grudge – combined with the brief, sharp emotional outbursts of the Sanguine, make this bl end a formidable emotional adversary. A Sanguine Choleric made angry will probably tend to hold that against you for quite a while; even though they may seem fine on the outside. And their initial “shot” of anger may leave you reeling and wondering what you did to deserve it.
2. The Sanguine Phlegmatic
The Sanguine Phlegmatic is friendly and calm at the same time. Not as outgoing as most Sanguines, the
Sanguine Phlegmatic is the person voted „most friendly‟ in yearbooks. They like to be around people and don‟t have the need to be the „life of the party‟, as some Sanguines do. This blend makes a great and empathic listener; they generate an immedi ate trust that people will open up to.
Unfortunately, the lack of organization of the Sanguine coupled with the tendency towards laziness in the
Phlegmatic can combine into an awesome “I don‟t care” attitude concerning work organization, home cleanliness, and the inability to follow through with important promises. This blend may not have balanced their checkbook for months (years?) and may often have to react quickly to late notices.
Wax Lyrical Academy of English Articulacy
3. The Sanguine Melancholy
The Sanguine Melancholy type is a person whose moods can fluctuate from highs to lows and back again quickly. The Sanguine outgoing nature often allows the Melancholy‟s critical nature “out” too easily. It is very easy for a Sanguine Melancholy to “get down” on themselves and, if they are to real ize their potential, it is best if they work with others.
The warmth of the Sanguine makes this person very sociable and the focus on detail of the Melancholy makes them excellent organizers. They remember every birthday and anniversary and have a strong inclination to attend each and every one of these special events.
The critical nature of the Melancholy combined with the verbal nature of the Sanguine means that this person will have no qualms about telling you exactly what they think about you or anyo ne else.
There is an interesting conflict in this blend – the weakness of the Sanguine is disorganization and the strength of the Melancholy is organization. This means that the Sanguine Melancholy will always feel that they should be cleaning or organizing but the Sanguine won‟t follow through.
Another weakness of the Sanguine is quick flashes of emotion – combine this with the critical nature of the
Melancholy and you can get a “hot flash” of angry criticism with very little warning.
This temperament blend is the most likely to remember every negative detail of a situation for the longest time. The Sanguine Melancholy most needs to cultivate an attitude of gentleness and kindness to soften their sharp tongue.
4. Choleric Phlegmatic
A Choleric Phlegmatic is a person who is known for steadily achieving goals or finishing plans; but in a quiet, unobtrusive sort of way. The most easygoing of the Choleric types, the Phlegmatic secondary softens the sharp Choleric primary just enough to make them easier to get along with.
As with all Cholerics, a Choleric Phlegmatic doesn‟t really care how they achieve a goal, even if it means hurting other‟s feelings. But in this case, the Choleric Phlegmatic won‟t actively seek to antagonize others
(as we will see with the Choleric Melancholy).
As long as you understand that this is still mainly a Choleric, it is much easier to get along with this blend.
Because the Phlegmatic is secondary, the Choleric Phlegmatic is much less likely to have strong angr y outbursts. They often show their Choleric „edge‟ through less -than-funny pranks (i.e. the stinky cheese in the desk drawer, etc).
Wax Lyrical Academy of English Articulacy
5. Choleric Sanguine
The Choleric Sanguine can be strongly persuasive. Having the driven nature of the Choleric, the
Sanguine secondary type can be „used‟ to persuade others by means of their outgoing nature. The weakness of the Choleric is a tendency towards anger; one weakness of the Sanguine is brief but intense outbursts of strong feeling. A Sanguine doesn‟t hold on to these feelings for long; once over, they return to their normal cheery selves. In a Choleric Sanguine, however, anger can be sustained and loud. Rather than gradually fading, a Choleric Sanguine may hold a „grudge‟ for a very long period of time.
It may be stereotypical, but a Choleric Sanguine makes an excellent outside sales person; combining drive with the ability to charm.
6. Choleric Melancholy
The Choleric Melancholy is a powerful combination of Temperament characteristics. The driven nature of the Choleric is augmented by the analytical nature of the Melancholy. A Choleric Melancholy lawyer would be a formidable combination of „in your face‟ de termination with exacting amounts of facts and figures to back them up. The Choleric again wants to achieve goals and uses their Melancholy side to arm themselves via analysis. The downside is that the anger of the Choleric combined with the critical natur e of the Melancholy can cause extremely unhappy arguments and confrontations, which the Choleric will most likely „win‟ and „lose‟ at the same time.
7. Melancholy Choleric
The Melancholy Choleric is both a perfectionist and a driver, which may lead him into the law or medicine.
They mix decisiveness and determination. Because of the critical nature of the Melancholy they may be very difficult to please. If they become negative about someone or something it will have a tendency to stay with them for a long time.
The Melancholy Choleric blend does not make a good leader because both temperament types tend towards criticism and anger. They find it difficult to say kind words or have patience with stragglers. They believe they are right in most cases and therefore leave everyone else “in the wrong”.
A somewhat stereotyped image of a Melancholy Choleric is the brilliant but hated surgeon who has the drive and critical detailed nature to save the hopeless case but alienates and angers everyone they meet in the process.
The Melancholy Choleric needs people around them of Phlegmatic temperament to put up with their critical tongue. A Phlegmatic Choleric may have the drive and straightforwardness to show the Melancholy
Choleric when they are wrong – but that will take patience and determination and a whole lot of “guts”.
This temperament blend needs more than anything to develop and embrace an attitude of
patience, kindness, joy and peace. Without these they often end up withdrawn and unhappy people.
Wax Lyrical Academy of English Articulacy
8. Melancholy Phlegmatic
The Melancholy Phlegmatic types are often teachers and scholars. They are not as prone to hostility as other melancholy blends and combine analysis with o rganization. Unfortunately they can become easily discouraged and may be susceptible to fear and anxiety. They may become uncooperative because of stubborn, rigid tendencies.
This type may become lifelong students of one topic or another. Because of their detailed and organized nature, it seems natural to keep learning more and more about a subject. And the lack of drive of the
Phlegmatic seems to make one subject enough. This suggests that this type might make a good specialist in any area; such a medical specialist or a graduate studies professor.
People of this type need friends with a Sanguine nature because, left totally to their own devices, the
Melancholy Phlegmatic may fall into isolation and depression. More than anything, this type needs to develop attitudes of peace and joy to counter their natural pessimism and fear.
9. Melancholy Sanguine
In the Melancholy Sanguine, the detailed and organized melancholy is tempered by the outgoing and warm sanguine. He makes an excellent teacher as his organized side is well versed in the facts and his sanguine side makes him enjoyable to attend to. If he goes into sales it will be a type of sales that calls for exacting detail and the presentation of many facts.
He is an emotional person – from being moved to tears, to being critical and hard on others. Because the
Sanguine is a more verbally extroverted, they will usually be talkative about the details that the Melancholy finds so fascinating. If you ask as question of a Melancholy Sanguine, you will get a long and detailed answer with more detail than you could have imagined or even wanted. However, the brightness of the
Sanguine side usually makes them fairly easy to listen to.
The Melancholy Sanguine will be better prepared and organized than a Sanguine would normally be.
They can be excellent presenters and teachers because their detailed knowledge of their subject matter is tempered by their warm Sanguine secondary. Though more outgoing than the Melancholy is usually, this person will still be a sharp, detailed critic. They could function well as a movie critic or the judge of a debate; sharp criticism softened by warmth and humor.
The weakness of the Melancholy is a sharp, critical nature, which is not open to “mitigating circumstances”
(in other words, “no excuses allowed”). Combined with the occasional sharp emotional outbursts of the
Sanguine, the Melancholy Sanguine can deliver sharp pointed verbal barbs that will often vanish as quickly as they appeared. But be careful of getting on this person‟s “bad side” as their verbal inclination will cause them to be quite vocal in their criticism.
Because the primary Melancholy tends to worry and the Sanguine secondary doesn‟t, this blend will find itself knowing that it should be concerned about a situation or problem but unable to work up the “steam” to do anything about it.
Wax Lyrical Academy of English Articulacy
This temperament blend needs to develop both a peaceful a ttitude while exercising self-control over the flighty Sanguine. This person works well alone but needs interaction with others who accept their occasional “outbursts”. Another Sanguine will usually get along with them, but a Phelgmatic Sanguine will probably be better able to handle their critical side.
10. Phlegmatic Choleric
While still laid back, a Phlegmatic Choleric is the most driven of the Phlegmatics. A Phlegmatic Choleric wants to accomplish what they have set their minds to, however, being P hlegmatic they don‟t make a splash about it. A Phlegmatic Choleric with a goal will simply go ahead and do what needs to be done – without fanfare or telling anyone.
Since the Choleric has problems with anger, this is often reflected in the Phlegmatic Choleric as irritability or frustration. Since the Phlegmatic is “hard to read”, there may not be an obvious reason for this reaction.
For example, traffic backups can irritate a Phlegmatic Choleric; but little warning about their irri tation is visible until they comment.
These individuals can make excellent team leaders – they are the only Phlegmatic type that may rise to leadership. Because their Choleric secondary type is a Driver and their primary Phlegmatic is easygoing, these can combine to make a leader who can handle a variety of personalities. The Phlegmatic Choleric needs to have a partner or spouse who understands – and more importantly – accepts their quiet ways.
Another Phlegmatic may be best suited while a Choleric or Melancholy will be a less likely match.
11. Phlegmatic Sanguine
The Phlegmatic Sanguine will be the most outgoing of the Phlegmatics. But as so often happens, the juxtaposition of these two opposite types often causes internal and external conflict. The Phlegmatic is quiet, the Sanguine is outgoing – a Phlegmatic Sanguine may find themselves internally conflicted; going from introvert to extrovert in certain conditions. The Phlegmatic fights laziness, the Sanguine is naturally disorganized – a Phlegmatic Sanguine will have the most difficulty staying organized, focused, and on -track.
They will have the most difficulty with goal setting and accomplishment. If they start painting a room, it won‟t get finished. If they start a blog, it won‟t have many entries.
Phlegmatic Sanguines make good friends; they are acceptant and warm – but don‟t expect them to be helpful in keeping you on your diet or going after that promotion. A Phlegmatic Sanguine needs a partner or spouse with a tolerance for their natural lack of organization and focus. A Sanguine Choleric with their warm but firm nature might be the best choice.
Wax Lyrical Academy of English Articulacy
12. The Phlegmatic Melancholy
The Phlegmatic Melancholy is a study in contrasts; usually acceptant of others, the Melancholy secondary type will cause them to be more critical and analytical. In this case, where a Melancholy might be blatantly critical of someone, a Phlegmatic Melancholy may “hint” or “snipe” or in some other way let you know of their displeasure at your behavior. This type is the most organized of the Phlegmatics due to the Melancholies organized nature. This temperament works well in jobs requiring organization and an ability to be acceptant.
The Phlegmatic Melancholy make an excellent administrator; combining the ability to look at and solve problems with an ability to put up with schedules and bureaucracy. They need a partner or spouse who understands their need to criticize things and people from time to time.