2. Manolin is young boy who has learned how to fish from Santiago. They became great friends and fished together until Santiago didn't catch anything for a number of days. Manolin still helps the old man out with carrying stuff for him and looking out for him.
3. Martin is the owner of the Terrence. He has sent food to both Santiago and Manolin on more than one occasion. Pg20
4. The boy's parents said that he must go to another boat to catch fish. The Old Man was salao, or unlucky, because he didn't catch something for forty day. The boy wanted to be there and fish with the Old Man but he obeyed his parents orders fishing on another boat. …show more content…
Hemingway's point is that the Old Man isn't dumb or cocky. He understands that he may not be as strong as he used to be but he's smart enough to catch the fish.
11. The old man dreams only about Africa, the places and the lions on the beach.
Reading Assignment #2
1. Santiago thought of the sea as feminine. She gave out favors but if she did wicked things it was because she couldn't help them. pg.30
2. The old man is prepared for anything. He brought everything to increase his chances of catching a fish. He would rather be prepared than have to wish to get lucky catching a big fish. Pg.32
3. The old man caught a tuna fish first. Pg.38
4. The old man is self-confident. He doesn't care what other people think or needs approval from other people. He knows who he is and that enough for himself. Pg.39
5. When the old man first tried to pull in the bill fish it didn't move one inch. The fish then began towing the boat. Pg.44-45
6. The old man thinks the porpoises, flying fish, and the pair of marlin are good. They are all our brothers. Pg.48-49
7. Santiago wishes the boy were there because he misses the company. He keeps remembering the times they had on his boat. Plus Santiago is getting tired and could really use the extra help with the