Thank you! It was very exciting to accomplish that and looking forward to the next step for me as well. That's extremely nice to hear how I was view as a student. I definitely will contact you soon via text message so we could arrange to meet and talk over coffee. Perhaps, sometimes next week? My number is 949-606-6283. I hope that you're getting over your illness and back on your feet. Looking forward to seeing you and catch up. :)…
Catherine Opie’s Joanne, Betsy, & Olivia best represents “quoting” documentation. Catherine specializes in documentary photography and explores aspects such as domestic everyday activities. Her methods of documenting certain moments in real life situations directly reflect quoting. In this photograph, it is almost like the audience is catching a glimpse of this families day to day lives. The house is messy with the toddlers toys everywhere and it looks as if they just finished a meal. These people are not posing or being staged, they are simply doing what they would normally be doing. Catherine also is very involved in the Lesbian and Gay communities so much of her work involves identity, challenging gender roles and social and political themes.…
Students are warned all the time about plagiarism, but many think it is only about being caught cheating. They do not realize that plagiarism is stealing intellectual property, and that being convicted, even of unconscious plagiarism can be very expensive.…
When thinking of how Jim defines happiness, I think that Antonia would disagree with this quote,”…to be dissolved into something complete and great, When it comes to one, it comes as naturally as sleep.” Throughout the book Antonia is ready to do everything right then at that time, and she doesn’t have the patience to wait on the good things to happen. Antonia is always ready to work and learn something new, but she lacks the patience to learn and to make sure she does it the right way. What Jim was saying is that, happiness comes at the right time, and that you cannot try to force it. The quote, “and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy.” “Jim was glad that he felt like this in the hard times.” Also, another quote to…
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) delivers the student address at Harvard Law School’s 2004 graduation ceremony in the movie Legally Blond. In the film Elle is a misguided student who gets accepted into law school upon false pretenses, merely to get back with her ex-boyfriend. He broke up with her because she was not suitable to be a future Senators wife, he claimed she lacked intelligence and only had her looks to depend on. Everyone’s doubt pushed her to stay determined, confident, and come to the conclusion that she does not need a man to justify her life. She also realizes that passion fuels the ability to become successful. This speech is very effective because of the rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos used throughout.…
In Russell Smith's insightful piece “A Plague of Plagiarists in a Cut and Paste World” he explores the possibilities of both opinions that could be perceived with the topic of the increasingly pressing issue of plagiarism arising within today's culture. Whilst understanding the reasoning, justified by the advancing technology flooding society, Smith feels that the process of filtering students' essay's through or others is necessary in order to preserve originality and honest education.…
Ben R. Martin explains, “a succession of scandals over the last decade or so has challenged our assumptions about the efficacy of self-policing in these communities” (Martin, 2013, p. 1005). This shows the growing problem or at least awareness of plagiarism in the world and the importance of taking Goodwin’s mistake seriously. However, technology has indeed made it easier to detect these acts of theft or even prevent the mistake of releasing a writing with unquoted words. Throughout the work of Gipp, Meuschke, and Breitinger in the journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology they speak of various methods of electronic plagiarism detection (Gipp, Meuschke, & Breitinger, 2014). New methods such as citation-based plagiarism detection and new oversight tools are constantly being…
Are you apart of Generation plagiarism? "Plagiarism is a disconnect that is growing in the internet age as concept of intellectual…
Lastly, the essay “Curing Plagiarism” by Hetal Shah provides an insightful view of plagiarism in colleges and universities nationwide. Though out the opening of the essay Shah provides data to confirm the plagiarism epidemic. Regardless of the high percentage of students…
Infringement,” Matthew K Dames informs his audience of the differences between plagiarism and copyright infringement and the misperception that they go hand in hand. Dames describes copyright infringement as “a set of laws and the illegal use of protected works without exception, license, or purchase” and defines plagiarism as “an act of stealing and passing off someone’s ideas or words as one’s own without crediting the source.” He opens his audience’s eyes to the unfair world of plagiarism as he cites a scandal at Ohio University where a disgruntled student accused other students of plagiarizing their thesis. Whether these allegations are true or not the accused has no way of defending him/herself and their reputation is ruined.…
Freedom: “She was flushed and felt intoxicated with the sound of her own voice and the unaccustomed taste of candor. It muddled her like wine, or like a first breath of freedom.” (Chopin) This quote is when Edna first starts to realize the sense of freedom she is feeling.…
A lot of American women grow up under the saying a woman’s work is never done and in turn feel that saying to be true. One woman, Author Jessica Grose, who wrote “cleaning: The Final Feminist Frontier”, which was published in 2013 in the New Republic, and in this article she argues that even though men in our lives have recently started to take on more of the responsibilities of child care and preparing meals somehow the cleaning is still left to the women of the house. She begins to build her credibility with reliably sources, personal information, statistics and citing facts. Towards the end of her article she loses her credibility and her argument when she attempted to appeal to the readers emotions.…
Upon analysis it is evident that the two articles relate in various ways, yet both the author’s approaches differ vastly. Both agree that cheating “... is a problem on many college campuses” (Blum 1). Perez-Pena explains, “there is evidence that the problem has worsened over the last few decades”(1). They agree that cheating and plagiarism have become more tolerated by society. Perez-Pena claims, “cheating has become easier and more widely tolerated and both schools and parents have failed…”(1). The ways that colleges handle plagiarism can never be totally successful (Blum 1). Both authors agree that there are multiples causes of the problem including parents, teachers, and technology. In Perez-Pena’s article he states more facts…
Plagiarism in today's “copy and paste generation” is an unremitting, complex issue that is not yet fully understood.…
Plagiarism according to Perrin, Larkham, and Culwin (see Okoro 2011, p.174) is simply explained as the use of someone else’s intellectual property without proper acknowledgement of that source. It is in its own way a form of ‘theft’. According to Okoro (2011), plagiarism is known to occur for various reasons, carelessness being in the forefront. His research shows that 90% of students know they are plagiarizing but do so anyway because they consider it to be a lesser ethical crime than other high profile instances of dishonesty. Other causes may include ignorance of students who are not completely aware of what plagiarism constitutes and have not really been educated on the proper ways of acknowledging their sources. Research by Scanlon and Neumann (see Okoro (2011), p. 176) Shows that majority of students actually know that plagiarism in all its forms is wrong. When asked, Over 80% of them responded positively against plagiarism, saying that it is completely unacceptable. In practice however (Walker 2010) majority of these students are found to plagiarize. The majorities of such groups are found to be international students whom English is not their first language and therefore find it difficult to express themselves in English and result to the easy way out: copying. Text matching software to some extent is quite good at pointing out instances of plagiarism but at the same time it is highly limited by the extent to which it can enter into databases such as…