General purpose : to persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to wear seatbelts every time they ride in an automobile.
Central Idea: There are three reasons why you must wear seatbelts are reduce statistic of accident, save yourself and one vital reason to wear them - they may well save you from serious injury or death in an automobile accident.
It had just stopped raining when my friend Florence and I got into the car. I fastened my seat belt, but she didn't. I backed out of the driveway and we headed out for what we thought would be a fun evening. After driving for awhile I entered an intersection. The light was green and so I proceeded into the intersection just as another car turned left in front of me. Because the roads were wet, my brakes wouldn't hold and we slid into the side of the other car. I was shaken, but all right. Then I noticed that the windshield on the passenger's side was shattered. I saw my friend slumped up against the seat with blood all over her face. She had shattered the windshield. Being in an accident, I know first hand the difference wearing seatbelts can make. Also class surveys show that many of you don't wear your seat belts. That's why today I want to persuade you to wear your seat belts every time you ride in an automobile.
I. Automobile accidents take a frightful toll in lives and injuries every year.
a. According to the Motor Vehicle Association, 3 million Americans are injured in auto accidents annually.
b. B. In addition, 50,000 are killed each year
- This number is the equivalent to a 747 jumbo jet crashing every other day for a year.
- Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for people of high-school and college age.
II. You can save yourself from becoming part of these statistics by wearing your seatbelt.
a. According to the Department of Transportation, 15,000 lives would be saved