Ms. Webb
English 0321-309
Nov. 14, 2011 Saving Planet Earth I was reading a story about recycling, and what it means to recycle, it means to reduce and reuse materials so that we save the raw materials. If you reduce and reuse it saves on greenhouse gasses and emissions. It will keep our earth greener. My husband is a recycling coordinator for Texas A&M. When I first moved here I worked as a recycling assistant, which meant my job was to sort and bale paper to be sent off for recycling, so we could use it again. We also recycled certain types of cardboard. We would bale the cardboard and every week there was a truck to pick it up and send the funds from recycling back to the University. These funds were used for different things such as research. Without recycling where would we be now? Why should BCS residents recycle? BCS residents should recycle because of the cause, the effects and the solution to pollution. First, BCS residents should recycle to save our raw materials from being used, because we can use recycled material, which saves the local and state government money. Unless absolutely necessary; we could use raw materials, but it’s not helpful to our economy. We can use all kinds of recycled material to make new material. If we can do this it will save BCS from becoming a dumping ground. The most effective way to keep bottles, cans or any beverage container out of our waterways, beaches, and public places is to put a refundable deposit on these items. This will keep these items from being buried or thrown into our waterways. Our clean water in BCS will be on the verge of no return Throwing beverage containers out in our waterways, contaminates water, (Ellis and Coleman) destroys wildlife (Ellis and Coleman) and fills our landfills (Ellis and Coleman). If we don’t do this it will become a trash bearing dump all over. We need this refundable deposit. Still another problem exists with contamination and coatings are two major hurdles that have to be overcome for food service and packaging recycling. Our overreaching recycling goal is that one hundred percent of our cups will be reusable by two thousand fifteen (Johnson). Refundable deposits should be mandatory.
Moreover, BCS residents should recycle because of the effect of pollution. The biggest effect is PEI’s new beverage container system said that everything is inevitable to change (Morawski). There are a variety of beverage containers sold. There are plastic, glass, aluminum, and carbon containers (Morawski). To return these containers for a refundable deposit would work well to save BCS from the inevitable. It will also save our landfills from items that are not biodegradable. We need to make more drink containers biodegradable; so that with time they go back to the earth and build more useful grounds. This would make containers without a negative impact on BCS. It would work well to have a refundable deposit so that BCS would prevail along with the economy. Introduction to the beverage container act, notably glass beer bottles, may be phased out (Morawski). This will conserve energy, reduce litter, and is cost saving to local and state governments (Ellis and Coleman). Due to the differences in chemical composition, plastics tend to not be compatible. This is much like a mixture of oil and water. This is why plastics have to be sorted (Goodship). There is another problem in BCS, which is High Tech trash (Grossman). BCS residents need more collection stations for these items. Most importantly, BCS residents should recycle because of the solution to pollution. There is another problem in our BCS, which is High Tech trash. (Grossman). BCS residents need more collection stations for these items. If they go into our landfill, things like refrigerants, radiation seep into our soil. This can cause severe health problems to our community. It will contaminate our soil, drinking water, as well as harm to our wildlife (Grossman).This could be deadly to our plants that we choose to grow in our gardens. These items we grow in our gardens would then be inedible; they would contain radiation, refrigerants, batteries (alkali from these), and oil from our car items need to be disposed of properly (Grossman). In Japan they use the post office to dispose of these items (Grossman). Europeans will bring used high tech equipment to conveniently located principle collection point. Apple computers sold in Japan recycle labels to cover the cost of returning computers disposed of properly (Grossman). Which I think is a very good idea. We should have that readily available to BCS residents as well. We should all choose to recycle of high tech trash responsibly. In another aspect Wal-Mart aims to reduce food waste. In effort to reduce deforestation of the world’s rainforest and reduce greenhouse gasses, the company will require sustainability sourced palm oil for all of its Wal-Mart private brand products and expand Wal-Mart Brazil’s practice of only sourcing beef that does not contribute to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest (Kadleck).
In order to save planet earth everyone needs to pitch in or make someone aware that is not aware of recycling. Recycling saves 7.4 cubic yards of space each year. It reduces the use of land for landfills that will no longer be useful to society. By recycling it makes earth a better place for our children and grandchildren in the future. If we recycle instead of using raw materials, we can use recycled material which saves money. This is helpful to the economy and ecological as well! If we recycle we no longer endanger wildlife, we save scenic roadways and waterways. It is also cost saving to our local and state governments. If we don’t recycle, there is no future for our children or Grandchildren; it will become one big dump. But, if we do recycle, we will have a greener future for our children and grandchildren.
Works Cited Ellis, Rodney and Garrett Coleman. “Majority of Texas Votes Polled”. Support of Refundable Deposit System, Texas Bottle Bill, 11 September 2011. Web Goodship, Vanessa. “Why Plastics needed to be sorted”. Introduction to Plastic Recycling. 2nd edition.. Shrewsbury, GBR 2007. pp.41-44. ebook.
Grossman, Elizabeth. “Politics of Recycling.” High Tech Trash. Washington D.C. Island Press. July 2009. pp. 212-215. ebrary.
Johnson, Jim. “Starbucks expands cup recycling”. Waste and Recycling News. ppg.1 and 31. 27 September 2011. Print.
Kadleck, Chrissy. “Wal-Mart aims to reduce food waste.” Waste and Recycling News. 25 October 2010. pg.3. 10 September 2010 issue. 27 September 2011. Print.
Morawski, Clarissa “PEI’s New Beverage Container Deposit.” Environmental Experiment, 30 June 2008. 9 Nov.2011. Web
Sandler, Ronald L. “A Virtued-Oriented approach to Environmental Ethics”. Character and Enviroment. New York: Columbia University Press. 2007. 22 Nov. 2011. ebook.
Cited: Ellis, Rodney and Garrett Coleman. “Majority of Texas Votes Polled”. Support of Refundable Deposit System, Texas Bottle Bill, 11 September 2011. Web Goodship, Vanessa. “Why Plastics needed to be sorted”. Introduction to Plastic Recycling. 2nd edition.. Shrewsbury, GBR 2007. pp.41-44. ebook. Grossman, Elizabeth. “Politics of Recycling.” High Tech Trash. Washington D.C. Island Press. July 2009. pp. 212-215. ebrary. Johnson, Jim. “Starbucks expands cup recycling”. Waste and Recycling News. ppg.1 and 31. 27 September 2011. Print. Kadleck, Chrissy. “Wal-Mart aims to reduce food waste.” Waste and Recycling News. 25 October 2010. pg.3. 10 September 2010 issue. 27 September 2011. Print. Morawski, Clarissa “PEI’s New Beverage Container Deposit.” Environmental Experiment, 30 June 2008. 9 Nov.2011. Web Sandler, Ronald L. “A Virtued-Oriented approach to Environmental Ethics”. Character and Enviroment. New York: Columbia University Press. 2007. 22 Nov. 2011. ebook.