Statement of problem
Reason for selecting Area of Research
Method of Investigation
Data Collection Instrument
Procedures of data collection
Presentation of data
Analysis and Interpretation of data
Statement of findings
Recommendations and implementation Strategy
The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without a number of people. Firstly, the researcher is absolutely thankful for having received this School Based Assignment (S.B.A). The researcher extends a handful of gratitude to the Social Studies teacher that guided her through this assignment. The researcher would also like to thank the residents an teens that responded to this questionnaire. Thanks goes out to the researcher’s wonderful family for providing the necessary materials and assistance needed to complete this activity.
Introduction Greater Portmore is a small village in the community of Portmore. It is located in the County of Middlesex, Jamaica. Marijuana abuse is one of the main causes of delinquents in this community. I have been a student of the Ascot High School for the past 3 years. During this time I have observed a number of weaknesses in how marijuana abuse by teens is handled. Greater Portmore has approximately 40 households with teens. Foremost among them is that most persons started smoking because of peer pressure. One can agree that it mostly started from school. They also agreed that problems in the home also caused them to turn to marijuana. I have also observed that one major result of marijuana abuse is them absconding from classes. They also prefer drugs over work or school; they prefer using it and selling it. I have therefore decided to conduct a survey to investigate the community Greater Portmore with regard to the abuse of marijuana in Ascot High School.
Statement of problem
Question: What are the main causes and effects of
Bibliography: 1. Ascot High School 2. Greater Portmore 3. Ransawak Rampersad and Umraw Ralph, “Modules in Social Studies” Trinidad: R.P.L. Ltd, 1992