Contrary to belief, medical cannabis has very few health risks compared to propaganda suggested to most people in mainstream media. Throughout the years many random and bogus facts of marijuana have circulated, many of these disputes however, have been debunk through actual scientific study done today. The monkey marijuana experiment in 1973 for example was a huge hoax. In the case study, the monkeys were exposed to marijuana smoke everyday and died after ninety days. The autopsy report ruled that they died to a dead brain through great loss in brain cells. Therefore, the conclusion of the study was that marijuana kills brain cells, but the experiment failed to report the monkeys were being suffocated for five minutes on a daily schedule for three months. The process of asphyxiation or suffocation causes lack of oxygen to the brain, which leads to death of brain cells. Soon after, many more theories have been tested and most of the so-called health risks were nothing more than hokum. Marijuana has fairly less harmful effects, unlike other legal drugs such as: alcohol, tobacco, acetaminophen, amphetamine, OxyContin, Xanax, sleeping pills, and many other legal drugs. Adversely, compared to other drugs and the drugs listed prior, marijuana has very few health risks. Since there are very few scientifically proven
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