
Scarlet Ibis Theme

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Scarlet Ibis Theme
James Hurst short story “The Scarlet Ibis” talks about two young brothers one of which the older brother is too blinded by pride to see the true beauty in his younger brother. The narrator is too blinded to realize that his brother is really someone he wants to love but it all gets revealed to him in the end when things take a turn for the worst and Doodle ends up dead. This story shows the wrong in people and shows how in the world there are people who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals no matter what they lose in the process. When the training starts with Doodle and the narrator thinks things are ok, but it all gets worse when Doodle can't achieve his goal and is not strong enuff to be the dream brother the narrator wants to see …show more content…
The narrator is so disappointed that he considers suffocating Doodle with a pillow when he thinks his brother “is not all there”. Hurst writes, “It was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not all there was unbearable.” The narrator is saying that it would be better to have a brother who is sick then one that's not there mentally. This proves that the narrator is pride full because he dreams of a brother that he knows he is not going to have and he wants to change that by doing anything that he can even if it means not having a brother at all. Also Hurst writes, "Mama, he smiled. He's all there! He's all there!" and he was.” The narrator is satting that he is expecting to have the brother he dreams to have, but he later learns that even though he was mentally there Doodle will never be physically there like he wishes him to be. The information in the paragraph all relates to how the narrator believes that Doodle will never really be there even though he lived, but he then finds out that his brother is all their so in this time we see how little pride he is showing, but we soon see how wrong it is and how his pride just keeps growing threw out the …show more content…
It is shown that threw out the story the narrator's pride continues to grow over his brother. The significance the argument is that pride can change everyone that it can make the unexpected happen. The author shows in the story that the narrator really loves his brother, but he does not know it himself until the end when he pushes his brother to his death. It is learned from this story not to take things for granted to appreciate everything in life before someone pushes it away. This story shows us the difference is people and the human in them and that everything can change off of one

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