When Hester committed her sin she had to be punished. Wearing the letter A presented the symbolism of adultery. At first she felt uncomfortable wearing the letter A”. .I happened to place it on my breast....It seemed to me then, that I experienced a sensation not altogether physical, yet almost so, as of a burning heat” Pg 31. Hester soon accepted the fact that she had to wear it. When she was in jail she had lots of time to think. Released from jail Hester grew as a person. She proved herself to be a solid mother. Hester also helped the community and the poor. "'I have already told thee what I am! It was I not less than he” Ch14 pg 3. She accepts her wrong doing and takes responsibility for it.
I first learned about Chris when he was in an ESPN documentary that was really inspiring. As the top player in the nation as a high school kid; he could go anywhere for school. Everyone assumed after college he would be ready to go to the NBA. He had a major problem he had a drug addiction. In college he got suspended a great amount of games because failed drug tests. In his final year as a senior he stayed clean and had a great successful season. Once he got to the NBA he had no one watching over him like he had in college. With plenty of freedom he couldn’t control himself.