When he bids his Schindlerjuden good-bye, they give him a ring made of gold tooth of a factory worker, engraved with the Talmudic phrase, “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.” Schindler breaks down, crying that he could have been sacrificed more, saved more lives. He and his wife then flee. The next morning, a Russian soldier enters the camp and tells the Jews they are free. As they walk toward a nearby town, the scene dissolves into full color and reveals a group of real Holocaust survivors walking across a field. They line up, many accompanied by the actors who play them, and place a rock on Schindler’s grave. The last person at the grave is Liam Neeson (Oskar Schindler). He places a rose on the
When he bids his Schindlerjuden good-bye, they give him a ring made of gold tooth of a factory worker, engraved with the Talmudic phrase, “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.” Schindler breaks down, crying that he could have been sacrificed more, saved more lives. He and his wife then flee. The next morning, a Russian soldier enters the camp and tells the Jews they are free. As they walk toward a nearby town, the scene dissolves into full color and reveals a group of real Holocaust survivors walking across a field. They line up, many accompanied by the actors who play them, and place a rock on Schindler’s grave. The last person at the grave is Liam Neeson (Oskar Schindler). He places a rose on the