I believe that the Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" for multiple reasons. The first reason that I believe this is because during the Holocaust, Jews were put in Ghettos. We know that Jews were put in Ghettos by the Nazi party in order to keep all Jews in certain places so that they keep track of all the Jewsi. All over countries Jews were put into different sections/ different ghettos. In these ghettos the government set up Jewish Councils. These Jewish councils were used in the ghettos for the Jews to file their complaints (which were never taken care of). In these ghettos, Jews had little to no rights and could be killed at any time. In these ghettos, the Jews were treated as if they were animals, and were often brutally beaten and killed for Nazi soldiers' amusement. Another way that Jews being put into ghettos in “Schindler’s List” proves that Holocaust Jews “went like sheep to the slaughter” is because after the Jews were put into these ghettos, the Nazi party began to place Jews in concentration camps, where Jews would be killed.
Another reason that I believe Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter", is because Jews were put in concentration camps. These concentration camps are the main reason that we can say that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" for multiple reasons. All Jewish people that the Nazi party could find were put inside these concentration camps. Because there were so many Jewish people, Hitler built many concentration camps and put Jews in all different camps. Although in all camps Jews were treated very poorly, there were "different types" of concentrations camps. Concentration Camps were either work camps or death camps. In work camps, Nazis would choose the best/ most healthy Jewish people and used them for work. These Jews were often fed more to stay healthy so that they could keep up work production. In "Death Camps", Jews were given no chances of survival, and were either starved to death, or killed in gas chambers. The last thing that proves that Jews “went like sheep to the slaughter” is the amount of Jews that were killed in these concentration camps and throughout the holocaust. The death toll of Jews killed in the holocaust is nearly six millionii. This shows us
Another reason that I believe that Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" is because of how the Jews were taken to Concentration Camps and how they were treated and what they went through. This proves that Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter", because of how they were treated when being taken to and in concentration camps. One way they were treated, which shows us how they "went like sheep to the slaughter" is that they were shot by Nazis constantly. Even if the Jews did nothing wrong, they were shot by the Nazis simply just because they were Jewish. Another way they were treated like "sheep to the slaughter" is because of how they were killed in the concentration camps. In concentrations camps, Jews main cause of death was starvation, and gas chambers. Gas chambers show us how Jews were treated like "sheep to the slaughter", because the nazis would fill up a room and tell Jews that they were taking a shower, and instead turn on gas and gas the Jews to death. Through these examples we can see why one could say that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter".
Another reason that I believe that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" is because Jews were forced by the Nazis to do many horrible things. "Schindler's List" proves this because in the film we see Jews being forced by the Nazis to do horrible things. Things Jews were forced to do includes: Being forced to get number IDs tattooed on them, being forced to handle other dead Jews bodies, and being forced to march to cliffs and being lined up and shot. Jews were forced to get numbers tattooed on them so that the Nazis could identify and keep track of them. Through this example we can see that the Nazis began to dehumanize the Jews by seeing them as just numbers. Another way we see Jews being forced to do horrible things is when the Nazis forced the Jews in concentration camps to handle other dead Jews dead bodies. This shows us how cruel the Nazis were to the Jews in these camps, because not only are the Jews constantly living in pain and agony in these camps, but they are being forced to take care of their fellow Jews dead bodies, and are eventually killed by the Nazis as well. Lastly, we see Jews being forced to do horrible things when the allies are coming and the Nazis try to kill as many Jews as quickly as possible. The Nazi would force the Jews to march to cliffs and would make them stand on the edge and shoot them.
The final reason that I say that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" is because of how the Jews' corpses were disposed of. "Schindler's List" proves that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" because of how their corpses were disposed because of a few reasons. First in "Schindler's List" we can see that Jews bodies were put in mass graves. In these mass graves there were thousands of Jews, and many were buried with the dead Jews alive as well. Second, in "Schindler's List" we also see that Jews bodies were burnt in furnaces. Lastly we can see how in "Schindler's List" that Nazis would often just put the bodies in piles. These examples prove that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" because we can see that the Nazis had no pity for the Jews and showed no respect for them.
Someone might argue that “Schindler’s list” does not prove that Holocaust Jews "were sent like sheep to the slaughter”, because first, all Jews were not killed, and second, they were fed at concentration camps. We know this arguments is wrong and that "Schindler's List" does in fact prove that Holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter" because throughout the movie we can see facts of how the Jews were treated to back that statement up. We know that saying "Schindler's List" does not prove that holocaust Jews "went like sheep to the slaughter"" because first, we know that saying "not all Jews were killed" is not a valid argument because in 'Schindler's List" we see that the maximum amount of Jews were killed. In the film we also saw that when the Nazis found out that troops were invading the camps they would take the Jews out and kill as many as possible. We also know that saying "not all Jews were killed is wrong", because we know that Hitler’s master plan was to eliminate all Jews and if the holocaust would have gone on long enough, there would have never been an end to it.