For years scientist working in this field have attempted to classify types of schizophrenia. According to the DSM-III there were five different types (disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated) however, the first three were originally proposed by Kraepelin. Currently today, these classifications are still being used in the DSM-V, however predicting the outcomes of the disorder are not reliably alone in the diagnostic process. This resulted in the use of other systems to assist in classifying the types of disorders, which are based on the preponderance of “positive” vs ‘negative” symptoms. Researchers hope that the differentiating types of schizophrenia based on clinical symptoms will help to determine different etiologies or causes of the disorder (Schizophrenia.com, 1996-2010).
According to (NIMH 2009) schizophrenia affect about 1% of the world population. In the United States one in a hundred people about 2.5 million, have this disease. In this paper we will discuss the history of Schizophrenia. Also discussed will include the diagnostic criteria, treatment and what current and future research of Schizophrenia will entail.
History of Schizophrenia-V. Rowles
Schizophrenia was introduced as the term use to describe people who have difficulty distinguishing real events from dreams and hallucinations. It was first meant to express the idea of split or multiple personality however over time the definition of schizophrenia continues to change. Its origin for this illness was first referred to as dementia praecox, and then later changed to schizophrenia. The term dementia praecox was used, it refers to a chronic, deteriorating psychotic disorder characterized by rapid cognitive disintegration, which normally begins during the late teens or early adulthood stage (Berrios & Porter, 1995).
Dementia praecox (a "premature
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