Jean Berry
Walden University
Assessment of "Evelyn C."
The assessment and providing a diagnosis for a client is an active and involved segment in client treatment. Prior to designing a treatment plan for a client, a practitioner must assess and diagnose the client. Practitioners are not limited to standardized assessments alone in making their assessment of a client. The subsequent discussion is regarding the case study of Evelyn C., which will also include discussion on her diagnosis, assessments, and any data that would be necessary for collection in her treatment.
Case Study of Evelyn C. Evelyn is a thirty-six-year-old mother of two children from a previous marriage, who is now married to John, a retail manager (Butcher, Hooley, & Mineka, 2014). Evelyn drinks excessively after she and John have intense arguments. Evelyn’s drinking has developed to the point that she drinks during times her children are away at school, and on occasion has been drunk when the children return home. Evelyn's drinking caused her to forget her daughter at school because she was inebriated. Evelyn’s daughter reached out to her step-father for a way home. Her step-father was out of town due to work and had to have his assistant retrieve the child from school (Butcher et al., 2014). Evelyn became quarrelsome and argumentative with John’s assistant. John’s response to Evelyn’s drinking and behaviors was that he started not coming home at night and staying out all evening (Butcher et al., 2013). One morning when John returned to the family home, a situation occurred where John physically abused Evelyn. John has filed for divorce and moved from the family residence (Butcher et al., 2013). Based on this case study, Evelyn’s diagnosis would be as follows:
303.90 (F10.20) Alcohol Use Disorder, moderate
V61.10 (Z63.0) Relationship Distress with Spouse or Intimate Partner
V61.03 (Z63.5) Disruption of Family by Separation or Divorce
995.81 (T74.11XA)
References: American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. Babor, T. F, Higgins-Biddle, J.C, Saunders, J.B, Monteiro M. G. (2001). The alcohol use disorders: Identification test guidelines for use in primary care (2nd ed). World Health Organization Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2014). Abnormal Psychology (16th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.