His family referred Jace because of academic concerns at school. Parents referred Jace for a comprehensive evaluation. Jace had originally been placed on a 504 Plan last year as a tenth grader to address academic concerns.
• Mother is concerned that Jace is unable to express his needs and concerns to his teachers because of his quiet nature. She feels that Jace does not ask for clarification if he does not understand information presented in class. He is afraid of what others will think of him so he avoids speaking up to others.
• Mother addressed both on a form and in conversation with the school psychologist of a discrepancy between Jace’s cognitive ability and his oral expression. During a phone conversation, mother gave an example that occurred this summer; when called to do a job, she had to walk him through each step or else he did not gather enough information to complete the task.
• Often it is difficult for Jace to present orally in class (presentations). Mother notes that Jace knows the information, but struggles when he has to present to a group.
• Mother noted that Jace …show more content…
The first class he was observed in was Earth Science. In that class, most of the time Jace worked with a partner to complete a task assigned the day before. During review time by the teacher, Jace did appear to be listening. When they broke into groups, Jace and his partner took some time to settle down to the task, but then began working on the assignment. Jace after a few minutes had a question. He raised his hand and the teacher acknowledged him and told him she would be with him in a few minutes (she had students in line at her desk). When she did not come back immediately, Jace went up to her desk and asked for assistance. A time sampling was conducted between Jace and a peer. During the 10 minute observation, Jace was on task 60 % of the time; the peer was on task 90% of the