Increases your chances of getting a job, Provides you an opportunity to be successful, Be a lot less stressful,
Education is the key.
Now let me tell you something your parents will tell you: Make me proud,
Increases your chances of getting a job, Provides you an opportunity to be successful, Your life will be a lot less stressful, Education is the key.
Now let's look at the statistics,
Steve Jobs - net worth seven billion R.I.P,
Richard Branson - net worth four point two billion,
Oprah Winfrey - two point seven billion,
Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates Now here comes the Coup de grâce,
Looking at these individuals, what's your conclusion? Neither of them in being successful,
Ever graduated from a higher learning institution.
Now some of you may be like, Money is only the medium by which we measure worldly success, And some of you even have the nerve to say "I don't do it for the money."
So what you studying for? To work for a charity? Need more clarity?
Let's look at the statistics:
Malcolm X, Mother Teresa, Spielberg,
Beethoven, Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali,
Sean Carter, Michael Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Joseph Jackson.
Were either of these people unsuccessful... or... uneducated?
All I'm saying is that,
If there was a family tree hard work and education would be related, But school would probably be a distant cousin,
Because if education is the key, School is the lock,
Because it rarely ever develops your mind to the point where it can perceive red as green and continue to go when someone else said stop.
Because as long as you follow the rules and pass exams your cool, But are you aware that examiners have a checklist, And if your answer is something outside the box then the automatic response is a cross,
And then they claim that