GAMELAN is a musical ensemble which is very popular in Indonesia. It is similar to Kulinrang ensemble of the Philippines.
AGUNG is a gong-based musical ensemble of Malaysia which is also similar to the Kulintang of the Philippines, Brunei, and Indonesian gamelan.
IRAMA is an Indonesian term for tempo.
BURUNG KAKA TUA (Cockatoo) a bird song and a famous folk song from Indonesia which is in ¾ time signature.
RASA SAYANG which literally means “loving feeling” is a Malaysian folk song.
LOI LOI GRATONG is an example of a folk song from Thailand.
The music of Southeast Asia is an important part of their daily lives. They used music for rituals, ceremonies, courting and entertainment and has been present since the 2ng and 3rd century B.C.
PHILIPPINES is known as the Pearl of the Orient Seas.
LAND of the FREE is the title given to Thailand because it is the only Southeast Asian country that was not influenced by foreign (Western) intervention. PIN PEAT – Cambodian musical ensemble.
Nha nhac- Musial ensemble of Vietnam. The three classes of musical ensemble in Thailand are the PHIPHAT, KHRUEANG SAI and MAHORI
SLENDRO has 5 equidistant tones while PELOG has 7 tones.
IKAT is a method of printing woven fabric by tie – dyeing the warp yarns, the weft yarns or both before weaving.
DYE is a substance need to color materials, also called dye stuff.
The three main types of relief sculptures are 1. ALTO 2. BAS 3. SUNKEN
LOY KRATHONG FESTIVAL is a festival in Thailand held on the night of the 12th full moon by flying (lighted) lanterns.
Fabric and fabric design is very popular in Southeast Asian countries.
BATIK is the fabric most common to Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
WAYANG KULIT is a shadow puppetry famous in Indonesia.
WAU KITE is a uniquely designed Malaysian kite.
GOLDEN THREAD SILKS were born in Vietnam.
BATIK can be done in four different ways: 1.