Annette Dixon
October 21, 2012
Pam Mahre
The vitamin classifications are a Fat- Soluble vitamin which is vitamin A, D, E, and F. Fat- Soluble is not necessary to take every day. But you do need to take them, because they perform important functions in the body like blood clotting and the absorbency of calcium. And to make sure you don’t get too much of these vitamins you should make sure you are eating the right foods to maintain a healthy diet. The other vitamin classification is Water-Soluble Vitamins which is your B1- thiamin, B2, C, Folic Acid and Niacin. Water Soluble Vitamins is found in foods we eat like grains, meats, greens, and beans. You need to make sure that you include these foods …show more content…
in your daily diet because they are not stored in your body. You can destroy the vitamins in the way you cook them or store them.
It is believe that overcooking would destroy the vitamins in the food. Now our body needs all of these vitamins but not a lot but the body do need them all. Each vitamin works differently. You need vitamin A because it helps with your vision, the growth of your bones and keeping your skin healthy. B1 Vitamin helps with the nervous systems along with metabolic actions. B2 vitamin also is used for vision and skin. B6 vitamin is for your body to use fats. A B12 vitamin is used to maintain the nervous systems. Vitamin C is used for the absorption of calcium and iron. It forms collegian and strengthen of the bones and teeth. Vitamin D also is use for the bone and teeth. Vitamin E is good for cell membranes it helps to damage it and it also works as an antioxidant. Folic A helps with preventing heart disease and birth defects. It also helps metabolic actions. Vitamin K is used for the blood so it will clot. Niacin is good for your digestion systems, skin, and nerves. Vitamins are important to include in your daily nutrient intake. The reason being because they do varies of things for the body. It helps with your immune system, digestive and the nervous systems. They help with the strength of the eyes, skin, and your sexual virility. …show more content…
Fat- Soluble Vitamins are A, D, E, and K.
Vitamin A, D, E, and K is needed to keep good health. Foods that contain these vitamins will not lose their vitamins when you cook them. You don’t need to take them every day. Because they are stored in the liver when not being used. But too much of these vitamins can cause you to have health problems. Too much of Vitamin A can cause you to lose your hair, changes in your skin and it can cause pain in the bones. Vitamin D if you take too much of this it can cause kidney damage and it can take calcium from your bones and send them to soft tissues. Vitamin E too much will cause nausea and digestive track disorders. Water Soluble Vitamins is a essential nutrient which you can find in foods. You don’t have take a lot. But you do need to take them. They are needed because they do specific and vital functions for the health. Water Soluble Vitamins is always disposes thru urine. You would need to get these vitamins daily in your diet. Vitamin C the deficiency risk is Scurvy. And the Toxicity is an iron overload and diarrhea. Biotin deficiency risk is baldness, rash around the mouth and nose and flaky dry skin. There hasn’t been any proof that it is toxic. Chlorine deficiency risk will cause memory loss and bad muscle coordination.
The toxicity is bad headaches. Folic Acid deficiency can cause Anemia, cramps and irritability. The Toxicity can cause Neurologic problems. Niacin deficiency is headaches, fatigue, and sore and swollen tongue. This is a disease called Pellagra. The Toxicity can give skin discolor and dryness. It causes a decrease in glucose. It can cause Juanice and liver failure, Gastrointestinal distress. Pantothenic Acid deficiency can cause cramps, vomiting and insomnia.