What is the importance of financial planning? This serves as a guide to day-to-day decision making of the business. As periodically revenues vary, it is important to identify why there are times that a business has plenty of cash or sometimes, they have shortage. I appreciate that Harry Finson, the financial officer, prepared the 5-year financial planning for Science and Technology Company.…
During recent times the science and technology field has dramatically changed. For example, stunning developments are being made by the Third World and science and technology has become more focussed on the government’s short-term economic goals. These developments by the Third World are due to the technology transfer from more advanced, industrialized countries. The Third world is only able to use appropriate technologies, which makes their choices limited, but offers many benefits and opportunities (Bridgstock 1998:12).…
“Just as the whole universe is contained in the Self, so is India contained in the villages”… This has been said by none other than Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation and the visionary architect of India’s Rural Development Programmes. The villages epitomize the soul of India. With more than 70% of the Indian population living in rural areas, rural India reflects the very essence of Indian culture and tradition. No wonder then that a holistic development of India as a Nation rests on a sustained and holistic development of rural India. This write-up gives an overview of the Rural Development strategy adopted by Government of India and major e-governance initiatives that have been undertaken in the RD domain, in particular by NIC.…
India is growing forward day by day. New methods of science and technology have been introduced since years….…
According to the Indian draft National Biotechnology Development Strategy -2014, modern biotechnology is defined as “The application of Science & Technology to living organisms as well as parts, products and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services”. The field of biotechnology is revolutionizing the development of products, processes, and services in various fields. Institutes or laboratories usually conduct basic research which enhances the already existing scientific knowledge and can be further exploited for commercialization. Modern biotechnological research has a long gestation period. The phase from development stage to commercialization stage varies and accordingly the need of institution or private/public sector varies. The stages include basic research resulting in research leads; evaluation of research results; product and process development; commercial exploitation and dissemination in the market. When successful biotech products (new technologies) are transferred not only the innovators get recognition but the industry to whom it is transferred gets recognition and can bring a change in economy of the country. It also provides better facilities thereby largely benefiting the population of the country.…
As it becomes evident from historical observations, research was creation of the curiosity which is caused by the human nature. A lot of the discoveries that occurred in the ancient years were achieved by luck. After that they acquired experience and skills to explore more and more for new achievements. The acute interest on discovering new methods and ideas gave answers to questions which faced the society of each period. All this doubts could not be answered on their own. Some people had to make researches on specific subjects, they had to observe them and after a lot of work on it they had to present the result. They got experience on resolving problems of humanity and so science appeared. Nowadays, science is involved in every aspect of our life, even in subjects that we can not imagine. We can meet remarkable examples of scientific achievements in technology and also in society but they will be analyzed in the next chapters.…
8.1. Since Independence, India has endeavoured to bring economic and social change through science and technology. The effort has been both on upgrading the traditional skills to make them relevant and competitive and developing advanced capabilities in frontier areas of science and technology. The visionaries who led the growth of science and technology (S&T) in India were convinced that S&T could play an important role in transforming India in to a modern, industrialized society. Experience and results show that this confidence was well placed. Science, technology, and innovation are even more relevant today. Scientific knowledge and expertise, innovation, high technology, industrial infrastructure and skilled workforce are the currencies of this new era. 8.2. The investments made in Research and Development (R&D) by the developed countries reveals that the comparative strength of India in knowledge sectors would be seriously disadvantaged in competition to other nations with similar or even smaller sizes of economy relative to India if adequate investments are not made in this domain. As per R&D statistics for 2004–05, India invests around 0.8% of GNP in R&D compared to more than 2% by the developed countries. India currently ranks 13th among the top 38 countries in terms of number of publications in SCI journals; China ranks ninth. On the other hand, India ranks second after China, among the top 23 developing countries. However, the productivity of Indian science as a measure of dollars spent per publication in Science Citation Index (SCI) journals is comparable with other countries.…
To modern theatre audiences, the title of Oscar Wilde's most popular play, The Importance of Being Earnest, seems a clever play on words. After all, the plot hinges on the telling of little--and not so little--white lies, while the title suggests that honesty (earnestness) will be the rule of the day. The title also implies a connection between the name and the concept, between a person named Earnest and that person being earnest. The narrative action does not bear out this assumption but rather its opposite. Audiences who saw the play when it opened in London in 1895 would have brought to it more complex associations with "earnestness," a word which historians, sociologists, and literary critics alike see as, at least in part, typifying the Victorian mindset.…
India accounts for about 10% of all expenditure on research and development in Asia and the number of scientific publications grew by 45% over the past five years.[5] However, according to India's science and technology minister, Kapil Sibal, India is lagging in science and technology compared to developed countries.[6] India has only 140 researchers per 1,000,000 population, compared to 4,651 in the United States.[6] India invested US$3.7 billion in science and technology in 2002-2003.[7] For comparison, China invested about four times more than India, while the United States invested approximately 75 times more than India on science and technology.[7] Despite this, five Indian Institutes of Technology were listed among the top 10 science and technology schools in Asia by Asiaweek.[8] One study argued that Indian science did not suffer from lack of funds but from unethical practices, the urge to make illegal money, misuse of power, frivolous publications and patents, faulty promotion policies,…
The theme of this Congress, `Science for Shaping the Future of India`, reflects the dream of every generation of Indian scientists. Faster growth over the next few decades, more sustainable development based on food and energy security, and socio-economic inclusion made possible by rapid growth of basic social services, such as education and health, are all crucial for defining India’s future. Science, technology and innovation all have an important role to play in achieving these objectives. Science and technology development have been central to the phenomenal material advancement and efficiency in the use of resources seen in the last hundred years. The pace of change has only accelerated in the last few decades, as globalization and new technology have enhanced people’s access to knowledge and their ability to leverage it through collaboration. India has benefited from this epochal transformation by embracing these trends. Since technological changes typically emanate from established structures, they may at times re-inforce them and inhibit the advancement of equity and equality. As India seeks a sustained growth of its national income, we must endeavour to harness the tools of science to cater to the needs of the underprivileged and to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Nearly 65 percent of our people live in rural areas. The increase in their living standards depends greatly on the growth of agricultural production and productivity. The Twelfth Five Year Plan assumes that a sustained growth of our agriculture at the rate of 4 percent per annum is essential for the achievement of food security for our country. This growth is constrained by shortages of water and also of land. We need new breakthroughs in water-saving technologies of cultivation, enhancement of land productivity and development of climate-resilient varieties. This transformation of agriculture must be the top priority concern of our public policies, including science and…
The twentieth century witnessed a fateful change in the relationship between science and society. In World War I scientists were conscripted and died in the trenches. In World War II they were exempted as national treasures and committed to secrecy, and they rallied behind their country’s war effort. The explanation of the change is not hard to find—governments came to believe that theoretical research can produce practical improvements in industry, agriculture, and medicine. That belief was firmly reinforced by developments such as the discovery of antibiotics and the application of nuclear physics to the production of atomic weapons. Science became so identified with practical benefits that the dependence of technology on science is commonly assumed to be a timeless relationship and a single enterprise. Science and technology, research and development—these are assumed to be almost inseparable twins. These rank among the sacred phrases of our time. The belief in the coupling of science and technology is now petrified in the dictionary definition of technology as applied science, and journalistic reports under the rubric of “science news” are, in fact, often accounts of engineering rather than scientific achievements.…
It is a well documented fact that approximately 45% of rural Indians are literate. Awareness has increased and farmers are well informed about the world around them. They are also educating themselves on the new technology for a better life style.…
The social and cultural factors - the attitudes and the beliefs attached to economic, political, and social organization - influence the role that science and technology play in a given society. In their turn, the spread of new knowledge, products, and processes derived from scientific and technological progress transforms social structures, modes of behaviour, and attitudes of mind. The role of technical change in the process of economic growth is recognized by all theories of development. But what precisely is that role? In particular, what part did science and technology play in the economic and social transformations that accompanied the Industrial Revolution from its beginnings? Answers to these questions can be neither easy nor, consequently, swift, requiring as they do a subtle analysis, a long-term historical perspective, and reference to examples drawn from different branches of social science [2, 14].…
Science and technology are not related to each other but the two may develop separately without one influencing the other. They became one just recently because of the applications they project today, supporting each other that they are interpreted as one and the same. Since science is the body of knowledge that has been produced through and validated by systematic processes of inquiry which seek to describe, understand, and predict natural phenomena. Because of science, technology progresses that lets people apply to the task of living in their surroundings. The knowledge is then utilized by the society through the discoveries of inventors and scientists through research and experiments. One example is in cold weather, people were able to develop heater and vice versa.…
Developments in science and technology are fundamentally altering the way people live, connect, communicate and transact, with profound effects on economic development. Science and technology are key drivers to development, because technological and scientific revolutions underpin economic advances, improvements in health systems, education and infrastructure. Through breakthroughs in health services and education, these technologies have the power to better the lives of poor people in developing countries.…