Onyx/Jasper/Jade/Quartz Classes
This year’s Science Fair Project involves exploring careers in the field of Science. Each student will “become a Scientist” of some type and create an experiment that fits the type of Scientist that he or she has chosen. Students will be responsible for maintaining his or her own Science Notebook AND creating a display board to showcase his or her experiment. Both items are due on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Oral reports will also begin on this day and last through the remainder of the week.
The science notebooks will contain all of the information that the student has gathered throughout his or her research and experimentation. It should all be completed in the students own handwriting (please do not type) and contain only the students thoughts and work. Students are asked not to erase mistake, but rather cross them out (in science mistakes may contain important data to be used in further studies). The requirements for science notebooks will be outlined in this packet.
This packet includes:
Due Dates
Selecting a Career in Science to focus on
Sample Cover/Title Page
Creating a Science Notebook
Sample Reference Page
Displaying Your Project
Forms and Resources
Science Fair Grading Rubric
CAREER/INVESTIGATIVE QUESTION: DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2015 (You may turn it in early if you would like to get started early)
Your form will be returned on Tuesday, January 20, 2015
If your form has a smiley face you are free to get started. If it contains questions or comments please make the appropriate changes and resubmit your form by Friday, January 23, 2015 so that you can get started.
Please bring your science notebook to school. Your teachers will be checking in with you during the day to make sure you are on the right track and to see how things are going with your experiments/project.
References: **DUE: January 16, 2015** Name: __________________________________________________________________________________