From my book source it talks about the root, stem, and leaves of the plant; and how important it is to a plants growth.” The root system of a plant absorbs water and dissolved nutrients.” “A stem acts as a support system.., a transport system.., and a defense system.” “Leaves are the main photosynthetic systems.”
From my second source, it talks about the harms of cigarette smoke on human health. “Toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke travel throughout the body, causing damage in several different ways.” Ingredients such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and carcinogens can cause cancer, lack of oxygen, lower amounts of antioxidants and many more.
The third source is the effects of cigarette smoke on plants. “Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, as well as the numerous particulates that are in cigarette smoke can cause plants harm and affect their growth patterns. Particulates stick to the stems and leaves of plants, making it more difficult to absorb light.”
The next source talks about the bean itself. It Talks about how the kidney bean and some other beans, “were the only beans known to the old world before America.” This source helps me understand where the bean came from.
The fifth source tells me how to germinate kidney beans for growing. “The seeds grow better when germinated directly in the garden…” It gives me everything I need to know about how to grow my kidney be healthy and successfully.
With all this information I can prove my hypothesis to be correct, and have a very successful