Science Fiction Can Be An Influence To The Evolution Of Technology William W. Whitman COM/156: University Composition and Communication II February 24, 2013 Professor Karen Nowak
Science Fiction Can Be an Influence to the Evolution of Technology
Introduction Science fiction and technology have been working hand-in-hand for years. Authors like Gene Rodenberry have influenced many inventors to create technological devices such as touch screen computers, iPads and tablets. Even Star Trek’s transporter technology and transparent aluminum are becoming a reality. Scientists, physicists, and engineers are using science fiction to gain insight to new ideas. The science fiction entertainment genre has often influenced technological development through literature, radio, television, and film. Do Inventors create their products under the Influence of science fiction? Many people see technology pop into reality from the mind of the writers of science fiction, as did inventor Martin Cooper who created the mobile phone and gave credit to where he got his idea. People credit Gene Rodenberry for tablets and Transporter Technology, as well as transparent aluminum, and Apple QuickTime, while others have shown that learning computers came from the idea of Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and Terminator, even the world of Tron. Arthur C. Clarke’s science fiction foresaw the use of Geostationary Satellite (GPS), as well as the Internet, which the world uses today. Jules Verne’s science fiction stories brought people submarines and helicopters. H.G. Wells, who people call the father of science fiction, brought the world atomic energy and rockets through his stories. George Orwell’s book 1984, written in 1948, described a monitoring device, the government spying on the people, and coined the term “Big Brother.” The government is watching you. A former astronaut, Christopher J. Ferguson, gave credit to science fiction writers for the influence of the creation of the space