ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe study aimed to introduce the combination of Malunggay and Spinach powder inorder to make a natural, nutritious and practical supplement for all especially to thosehealth-conscious individuals.Nevertheless, this study wouldnt be possible without the everlasting love, care andassistance from the researchers family, who supported her in the procurement of the muchneeded logistics and references, cultivated and propagated the Malunggay and Spinachplants for the study, and uplifted the researcher emotionally when she is taken aback withdiscouragement.The researcher would never forget to acknowledge Miss Fairy T. Ramirez and Mr.Glenn Q. Ocaña, who extended their invaluable time, patience in explaining the wholecourse of the research and gave words of encouragementFurthermore, the researcher would like to thank her classmates for the sharedinformation during casual talk and discussions.Most of all, to God our Father, the source of all strength and wisdom. For withoutHis unfaltering love and guidance this study would never be realized.
This labor of love is dedicated to ourbeloved and supportive Dad and Mom.Tto our patient and hardworkingteachers, Miss Fairy Rose T. Ramirezand Mr. Glenn Q. Ocaña. Above all, toour maker, God Almighty.
He gives us that vast goodness of nature and vegetation is among those. As manpropagates for abundance; he deserves to harbor tremendous benefits from it.
Man inhabited earth with all its richness laid before him. With his gladness,ingenuity and constant search for knowledge he discovered numerous ways to enrich hismind of endless ideas, body for health and longevity and spirit to fulfill his close relationwith his maker andhumanity. Thus, man discovers infinite ways and makes use ofaccessible resources to satisfy his longings for health and wellness.The discovery of herbal plants made the