We are living in a scientific age. Science is trying its best to contribute to the happiness of man. Science has enabled man to dive deep into the ocean & fly high in the air. Science has revolutionized the human existence. Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields is due to the progress made in the field of science. It has made man’s life happier and more comfortable. Agriculture, business, transport, communication and medicine to name a few are all highly indebted to the wonder science has produced.
The discovery and development of a large number of powerful energy sources, coal, petroleum, natural gas, electricity etc. have enabled humanity to conquer the barriers of nature. Our bulbs, fans, refrigerators, air conditioners, T.V., washing machine, etc. all work with the help of the electricity. It is used in the production of many essential commodities.
Science has enabled man to diagnose and treat many dangerous diseases. Open heart surgeries, organ transplants etc. have all become possible safely. Life saving drugs like penicillin & chloromycetin have also been developed for the benefit of man. Science is now providing eyes to the blind and ears to the deaf. Radium treatment is a recent development, even incurable diseases like cancer seems to be within its control.
Science is a help in the agricultural field too. The food production levels and quality have improved by multiple factors. Soil analysis, hybrid varieties of crops giving higher yields, fertilizers, pesticides, advanced tools and machinery, irrigation equipments etc. have increased the production of crops.
Science has provided us with many means of education and entertainment. The television, video, radio, computer, internet etc. have enabled the human race to enrich its knowledge about almost everything. Information technology has revolutionized our life styles. Automation in banks and railway stations are providing relief to the people and the staff alike. Mobile phones are the outcome of information technology. Satellites even forewarn about natural disasters like hurricanes which cause mass destruction. Science has faciliated the growth of fast modes transport and communication, which in turn has changed the whole world into a global village.
If we use the gifts of science in a positive direction and positive intention then it will provide us with sweet results. We should follow the gifts of science in a positive way so that it appears as a blessing.