Anna Theresa V. Quindara
Oliver R. Padriquela
Marianne E. Bernardo
Ma. Rissa Domingo
Eunice Asencio
Melvin Carlo Dial
Jerome Paje
Marie Mae Gongora
Mrs. Jesusa L. Moncada
Chapter I
Language of Business 1.1 Definition of Technical Writing……………………………………………………………..……6 1.2 Distinction among Business English, Literary English and Technical English…………………7 1.3 Business English………………………………………………………………………………….8 1.4 ABC’s of Technical Writing…………………………………………………………………..…12
Chapter II
Physical Appearance of a Business Letter 2.1 Correct Letter Lay out……………………………………………………………………………17
a. Stationery……………………………………………………………………………….…17
b. Letterhead…………………………………………………………………………………18
c. Envelopes……………………………………………………………………………….…18
d. Margins and Spacing………………………………………………………………………20
2.2 Forms of Business Letters
a. Business Letter Style………………………………………………………………………21
b. Parts of a Business Letter………………………………………………………………….31
c. Spacing between Parts of a Business Letters………………………………………………31
Chapter III
Parts of A Business Letter
3.1 Essential Parts of A Business Letter…………………………………………………………….33
3.2 Supplementary Parts of A Business Letter………………………………………………………35
Chapter IV
Essential Qualities of Business Letter
4.1 The Eight C’s of Business Letter Writing………………………………………………………37
Chapter V
5.1 Kinds of Business Letters………………………………………………………………………39 a. Inquiries and Reply b. Order and Acknowledgment c. Letters Giving Instruction d. Claims and Adjustment e. Letter of Application f. Sales Letter g. Recommendation Letter h. Reference Letter
Chapter VI
6.1 Kinds of Technical Report Writing………………………………………………………74
Chapter VII
7.1 Contemporary Communication………………………………………………………..…82
W e, the Group II would like to dedicate this requirements to the people who inspired us to make a dream become a reality. No final requirement could have been written without the wise and experienced advice as well as the help of the following people:
* To Mrs. Jesusa de Leon Moncada, for trusting our potentials, prayers and supports, who kept our focus and made a number of helpful suggestions, as well as took pains in finishing this final requirement, we are truly grateful. * To our groupmates who patiently checked and polished this requirements, we are deeply thankful.
B ehind the scenes, but unnoticed, were the leader Anna Theresa Quindara, members, Oliver Padriquela, Marianne Bernardo, Ma. Rissa Domingo, Melvin Carlo Dial, Jerome Paje, Eunice Asencio and Marie Mae Gongora. * To our classmates, your inputs have been of great value to us. * To our friends, for making stressful task of researching into a delight.
“Above all to God, for helping us through the challenges and for the gift of life and wisdom.”
Without those assistance, encouragement and faith this requirement would not have risen from a dream to a reality.
The Maker
Language of Business
TECHNICAL WRITING Technical writing is communication in any field whose primary aim is to convey a particular piece of information for a particular purpose to a particular reader or a group of readers. It is objective, clear and accurate, concise and unemotional in its presentation of facts. Special techniques that the technical writer often uses are definitions, descriptions of mechanisms, description of processes, classifications and interpretations.
TECHNICAL WRITING DEFINED Technical writing may be defined and described in the following manner (Mills & Walter, 1981): 1. Technical writing is exposition about scientific subjects and about various technical subjects associated with the sciences. 2. Technical writing is characterized by certain formal elements such as its scientific and technical vocabulary, its use of graphic aids and its use of conventional report forms.
3. Technical writing is ideally characterized by the maintenance of an attitude of impartiality and objectivity, by the extreme care to convey accurately and concisely, and by the absence any attempt to arouse emotion. 4. Technical writing is writing in which there is a relatively high concentration of certain complex and important writing techniques- in particular, definition, description of mechanism, description of a process, classification and interpretation.
KIND | PURPOSE | STYLE | CONTENT | 1. Business English | * To sell | * Simple yet direct sentences | * Transactions and money | 2. Literary English | * To entertain * To educate * To amuse | * Figurative language | * Man + life | 3. Technical English | * To inform * To illustrate * To instruct * To educate * To motivate | * Figures * Illustrations * Explanations | * Reports * Procedures |
BUSINESS ENGLISH * Across the board
MEANING: including everyone or everything * At a loss
MEANING: sell something and loss money * Bail a company out
MEANING: help or rescue a company with financial problems * Ball park figure / estimate
MEANING: a rough estimate or figure * Bang for the buck
MEANING: value for the money spent * Banker’s hour
MEANING: short work hours * Bean-counter
MEANING: an accountant * Big gun / cheese / wheel / wig
MEANING: an important person, a leader * Bottom fall out / drop out
MEANING: to fall below an earlier lowest price * Bottom line
MEANING: the total, the final figure in the balance sheet * Bottom out
MEANING: reach the lowest or worst point of something * Boy’s / men in the backroom
MEANING: a group of men making decisions behind the scenes * Break even
MEANING: have expenses equal to profits * Budget squeeze / crunch
MEANING: a situation where there is not enough money in the budget * Buy off
MEANING: use a gift or money to divert someone from their duty or purpose * Buy out
MEANING: buy the ownership or a decisive share of something * By a long shot
MEANING: by a big difference, by far * Calculated risk
MEANING: an action that may fail but has a good chance to succeed * Captain of industry
MEANING: a top corporation officer * Carry over
MEANING: save for another time * Carry over
MEANING: transfer (a figure) from one column or book to another * Carry the day
MEANING: win completely * Carry through
MEANING: put into action * Close out
MEANING: sell the whole of something, sell all the goods * Close the books
MEANING: stop taking orders, end a bookkeeping period * Cold call
MEANING: call a potential customer from a list of persons one has never seen * Come on strong
MEANING: overwhelm with excessively strong language or personality * Company man
MEANING: a person who always works hard and agrees with his employees * Company town
MEANING: a town dominated by one industry or company * Cut back
MEANING: use fewer or use less * Cut corners
MEANING: economize * Cut off
MEANING: interrupt or stop * Cut one’s losses
MEANING: do something to stop losing money or something * Deliver the goods
MEANING: succeed in doing well what is expected * Double-check
MEANING: check something again to confirm * Face value
MEANING: the official worth or trust of something * Fair play
MEANING: justice, equal and right action to someone * Figure out
MEANING: find an answer by thinking about something * Fill the bill
MEANING: be just what is needed * Finger in the pie
MEANING: involved in what is happening, receiving money for something * Gain ground
MEANING: go forward, make progress * Get a break
MEANING: get an opportunity or good deal * Get off the ground
MEANING: make a successful beginning; go ahead give someone the green light
MEANING: give permission to go ahead with a project * Go public
MEANING: sell shares of a privately owned company to the public * Go through with
MEANING: finish, do as planned or agreed * Hard sell
MEANING: sell something by being very aggressive * Heads will roll
MEANING: someone will be punished * In black and white
MEANING: in writing * In charge of
MEANING: in control of, responsible for * In short supply
MEANING: not enough, in less than the amount or number needed * In stock
MEANING: have something ready to sell or use * In the black
MEANING: successful or making money * In the long run
MEANING: in the final result * In the market for
MEANING: ready to buy something * In the red
MEANING: losing money, unprofitable * In the works
MEANING: in preparation, being planned or worked on * Jacked up
MEANING: make a price higher * Keep books
MEANING: keep records of money gained and spent * Keep track of
MEANING: keep a count for record, stay informed * Kickback
MEANING: money paid illegally for favorable treatment * Make a go of
MEANING: produce good results, succeed * Mean business
MEANING: be serious * Number-cruncher
MEANING: an accountant, someone who works with numbers * On hand
MEANING: in one’s possession, ready * Buy ( on credit )
MEANING: but something without paying cash * On the block
MEANING: for sale * Pay off
MEANING: make a profit, be successful * Piece / slice of the action
MEANING: a share in the activity or the profits of something * Red ink
MEANING: debt (red ink on a financial statement) * Run short
MEANING: not have enough in quantity * Saddled with debt
MEANING: burdened with debt * Sell like hotcakes
MEANING: sell very quickly * Sell out
MEANING: sell all of the product * Strike while the iron is hot
MEANING: take advantage of an opportunity * Sweetheart deal
MEANING: a deal made between friends so that both may make a big profit * Take a nosedive
MEANING: collapse, fail, and decrease in value * Take on
MEANING: to give a job to or hire someone * Take over
MEANING: take control or possession of something, take charge of responsibility * Take public
MEANING: sell shares in the company to the general public * Take stock
MEANING: count the items of merchandise or supplies in stock, take inventory * Throw cold water on
MEANING: discourage, forbid * Throw money at something
MEANING: try to solve a problem by spending money on * Tight spot
MEANING: a difficult situation * Turn over
MEANING: to buy and then sell something to customers * Work out
MEANING: plan, develop * Write off
MEANING: remove from a business record, cancel a debt
* Accuracy in technical writing means the use of precise words, coherent sentences, well-developed paragraphs and a balanced report. A reporter must be tactful in the recording of data, statement or calculating mathematical figure.
BREVITY * Brevity means concise, straight-to-the-point type of writing. Information is delivered without mincing words and zeroes on the subject.
COHERENCE * It refers to the logical agreement of sentences, paragraphs and group of paragraphs.
CONFIDENCE * Confidence is being an authority on the subject of your report. You yourself must have a solid conviction in your report; readers will sense a sign of credibility problem. After finishing the last page of his report, he is an authority.
DIGNITY * It refers to terms used in technical writing conveying formality. Ideas are well-thought of and translated into writing using succinct words. There is an air of authority, of credibility in the work. Contracting words is sacrilege because it takes away the dignity in words.
EMPHASIS * Emphasis in technical writing means being discriminating. As the writer of the report, you act as the captain of the ship and the readers, your crew. You steer them in the direction you wish them to take by identifying the points you want to stress. Emphasis may be secured by proportion, by repetition and by position or placement. EMPHASIS BY PROPORTION * Allocating the amount of space to the different parts of a composition. This means that you should devote a greater amount of space to the major material and a relatively small share of the entire space to the subordinate but functional material. The beginning, though essential, should be short; the body should constitute the vital part of the composition; and the conclusion should merely complete the body
EMPHASIS BY REPITITION * A judicious repetition of an important point in several places in the composition will help active emphasis.
EMPHASIS BY POSITION * In the composition as in the paragraph, the beginning and the end are the most emphatic positions. A good composition usually starts with a strong statement or a suggestion of the central idea and ends on an even stronger note. A careful arrangement of the material in climatic order withholds the more important and forceful idea for the end.
FACILITY * Facility is making the report easy to read. Report writing should observe pacing, sequence, arrangement and continuity. Pacing is presenting technical and unfamiliar information in small segments, explained, defined or illustrated before more of such information is presented. Sequence is leading the reader from the familiar to the unfamiliar, from the simple to complex, from the whole to the parts. Arrangement is emphasizing and balancing important parts to show their proper relationship and importance. Continuity is showing the relation of one part to another, clearly stated, illustrated and emphasized.
GRAMMATICAL CORRECTNESS * It is the observing of the right use of grammar in the report. It is not only for technical writing but also in other writing activities.
HONESTY * It is acknowledging the use of the work of other people because you know that it is their intellectual property. They spent considerable time researching and writing their work, therefore, only they can claim ownership of a particular idea or concept. Honesty in technical writing not only involves the work of other people, but your own work as well.
ILLUSTRATION * It includes figures, graphs, charts, diagrams and photographs. These should be labeled properly. Illustrations provide the visual support the text needs: they aid the readers in having a firmer grasp of the material. Discussion regarding the illustration used should be incorporated within the text.
JUDGMENT * The writer must make sure that the data he gathered will hold up under close scrutiny. It is not the quantity but the quality of the data that is important. Supporting data should be concise, accurate, sufficient and should blend in with the rest.
KNOWLEDGE * It involves the interpretation of data. Two writers given the same data might have two differing interpretations. The interpretation of data might shed light on existing data or it may create new ones.
LOGIC * Logic is the systematic way of organizing the different parts of the report. Sentences and concepts must be in agreement. There is order in the way things happen or how ideas are presented. Each part should be clearly established but without sounding stilted.
MECHANICAL NEATNESS * Mechanical neatness in a report means that the proper margins are observed with each word neatly encoded. The use of headings, subheadings and indentions delineates and emphasizes the different parts of the report. This is the general appearance of the report. It must be neatly encoded or typed, free from typographical errors, erasures, crossing-outs and smudges.
NORMAL PROCEDURE * The report is easier to understand if it conforms to the standard practice. The writer must follow the acceptable arrangement of the different parts of the report. If the writer deviates from the normal procedure, he should inform his readers by explaining his reasons for doing it.
OBJECTIVITY * Objectivity involves the detached approach of a writer to his subject. The use of first person pronouns such as I, my and me is avoided to avoid giving the impression that the work is tainted by the writer’s biased opinion rather than by dispassionate interpretation of data.
PLANNING * This is the primary in all activities. This gives the purpose and direction to what the technical writer has to write. This involves thinking ahead of what has to do, when to do it and whom to do it. This will be reflected in a well-organized report.
QUALIFICATION * Qualification is determining the validity of your report given a specific time frame and the surrounding circumstances. These will determine the accuracy and duration of validity of the writer’s work.
REVISION * This consists of more than merely correcting the spelling, punctuation, spacing and margin errors. The writer must also check every statement for sense and relevance and be sure that he has said all that must be said. An effective report is all that is required to perfection. The secret of good writing is rewriting.
STRAIGHT SENTENCES * It refers to the smooth flow of sentences contained in a technical write-up. Sentences and paragraphs are arranged in such a way as to encourage the reader to finish reading your work without requiring much effort.
THOROUGHNESS * Thoroughness is one’s report leaves little room for error because every step executed has already been planned, analyzed, and reviewed. The writer constantly checks and rechecks data gathered and their subsequent interpretation to make sure that there are no conceptual and grammatical errors.
UNITY * Unity in writing is like the clothes one’s wears – they should look pulled together to avoid being an eyesore. An item of clothing that seems out of place will certainly ruin the look one is aiming for. Similarly, a word, a sentence or a concept that is irrelevant destroys the writer’s purpose and confuses the reader.
VERACITY * Veracity means truthfulness. It also refers to written works or information that can be verified because they are factual. There is no room for ambiguity or false information. Concepts are clearly stated and corresponding explanations are delineated. The chief aim of a technical report is to present and analyze facts, remember?
VIEWPOINT * It is the perspective from which something is written. The first sentence establishes the viewpoint and it is supported succeeding statements. Technical words are used in technical writing. Words are the building blocks of any written work in any given language. They are powerful instruments of information dissemination and change. As such, words should be chosen with utmost care, especially if the report would be read by many.
WORD CHOICE * The writer should avoid pompous words, ornate words and especially vague words.
YOU-POINT * It involves writing for a target audience. Consequently, the writer’s familiarity with the target audience – their level of comprehension – dictates how he/she will write the report.
ZEST * Report writing involves thinking and working, which may not be easy to do but have to be done. The report writing activity indeed should be characterized by zest or hearty enjoyment. If you get tired or bored, take a break, go for a walk, read a book, or get some sleep. Then, resume working with a fresh mind that could help bring out the best result.
Physical Appearance of A Business Letter
It is primarily used by individuals to send letters or notes to friends, children and family. It comes in a variety of colors and motifs and can be purchased in sets that include envelopes. For your business stationery used 22 or 24 pound bond or heavier. Never use standard 20 pound bond printer or copy paper for your business correspondence because it just comes off as flimsy.
Use also stationery having a standard size which is 8 1/2 x 11 inches (215.9 x 279.4 mm). Because there is no exact standard size of pound bond, A4 (210 x 297 mm or 8.27 x 11.69 inches) size is usually used. However, some Company used A5 size (148 x 210 mm or 5.83 x 8.27 inches).
This will include your company’s name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address. Include your web address if available. Other information may be required depending on the legal status of your business formation.
Subic Shipyard and Engineering, Inc.
(A member of the Keppel Group, Singapore)
Cabangaan Point, Cawag, Subic, Zambales 2209 Philippines
Tel: (63-47) 232-2380 Fax: (62-47) 232-3350,232-3883 to 84
Envelopes are used for many types of business related uses, such as mailing letters, brochures, checks, sending a catalog, etc.
Standard size of an envelope is 4 1/8 x 9 1/5 inches (121.92 x 241.3mm) called number 10 envelope.
2 Kinds of Modern Envelopes
2 Ways of folding business letter
Tri-fold Z-fold
1 or 2 inches
1 or 2 inches
1.5 inches
1.5 inches
1 inch
1 inch
1.25 inches
1.25 inches
LINE SPACING a. Double-spacing – bibliography b. Single-spacing – long quotations, headings, figures, tables, scheme captions, foot notes, end notes, and multi-lined.
BUSINESS LETTER STYLES (SKETAL) 1. Block form 2. Full block form 3. Semi block form 4. Indented form 5. Hanging style 6. Letter with boxed arrangement 7. Telegraphic letter style 8. Circular typed letter style 9. Letter with caption headings
____________________________ ________________________
____________________________. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________________. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____________________________. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
BUSINESS LETTER IN SKELETAL FORM _________________ _________________ HEADING _________________ 1 space DATE _________________
1 space
_________________INSIDE ADDRESS
1 space ____________________________ ATTENTION LINE 1 space
_________________: SALUTATION
_____________________________ SUBJECT LINE 1 space
2 spaces
_________________, COMPLIMENTARY
_________________ CLOSE
4 spaces
_________________ SIGNATURE
2 spaces
Parts of A Business Letter
PARTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER ESSENTIAL PARTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER 1. HEADING OR LETTERHEAD * It contains the address of the sender. * It is place at the upper right hand (or left hand) corner of the letter. TWO KINDS OF HEADING A. Conventional Heading – contains only the complete address of the writer and the date. B. Modern Heading – contains the letterhead and the date, usually centered on the top of the stationary. FORMAT: Sender’s address/ return address Phone number, Fax number, E-mail (skip a line ) Date Example: Acme Explosives, Inc. 100-B Dry Gulch Alley Lonesome Coyote AZ 85789 October 16, 2012
2. INSIDE ADDRESS * The inside address consists of the name and address of a person or the firm to whom the letter is written and should correspond in essentials to the envelope address. It is written below the date at the left margin in letters addressed to government officials and also in personal letters of a rather formal or dignified character. FORMAT: Recipient’s name and title The name of the office or department The name of the company or the institution Street address, City and Zip Code For reason of courtesy, we use title with every name, such as: Mr., Mrs., or Miss. If the addressee holds some special titles like Doctor, professor, or Honorable, we use the title. Honorable is employed in addressing a person prominent in affairs of government . it is correctly used addressing the president, cabinet officers, commissioners, justice of the Supreme Court, judges, governors, mayors, and others. Example: Ms. Ma. Rissa Domingo, President Unilever Philippines, Inc. Ayala Avenue, Makati City 3. GREETING OR SALUTATION * Serves as the greeting of the letter which is place below the inside address. It ends with the colon. Dear Ms./ Miss/ Mr./ Mrs. + surname – is used when you know the gender and the receiver’s name.
Example: Dear Mr. Padriquela: Dear Mrs. Moncada: Dear Ms. Bernardo: Dear + name – is used when you know the receiver’s name but not of the gender. Example: Dear Chris Miller Dear Toni Reyes Dear + Sir/Madam – is used when you do not know the receiver’s name but aware of gender. To Whom It May Concern, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ladies, Gentlemen – is used when you want to refer your letter to more than one person * Use ‘Mrs.’ if you address the letter to a married woman, ‘Ms.’ to address an unmarried woman and woman whose marital status you don’t know. In case that the recipient prefer to call as ‘Ms.’ even if she was already married, then, use ‘Ms.’ 4. BODY * This is the meat of the letter which contains the message. Write the body two lines below the salutations. 5. COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE * These are the words that end the letter. The complimentary close is the leave – taking line of the letter and should be consistent with the salutation and the message contain Place the complimentary close two lines below the body of the letter. Align it with the heading or with the left hand margin. Example: Sincerely yours, Respectfully yours, Truly yours,
6. SIGNATURE * It is the last part of the letter. This is place four lines below the complimentary close. Type your name in capital letters and your organizational title. Sign your name exactly as you type it below your signature. Title is optional depending on relevance of degree of formality.
SUPPLEMENTARY PARTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER 1. THE ATTENTION LINE * Is use when it is important that the letter reach quickly the person who is best qualified to take care of it. A number of positions and forms for this information are used, but as a general rule, the attention line should be centered. 2. THE SUBJECT LINE * Enables the reader to know at a glance what the letter is about. Use most often in short letter reports, it may be placed in various positions. Sometimes it is placed above the inside address. 3. THE REFERENCE LINE * Special reference to filing numbers is sometimes desirable as a matter of convenience either to the addresses of to the writer himself. In some cases the writer complies with the previous request from address by referring to the number under which the latter has filed past correspondence pertaining to the subject of the letter. 4. MAILING AND CARBON COPY NOTATIONS * When a letter is dispatched by any method other than regular mail a notation of the exact method should be placed flush with the left-hand margin immediately below the identification line or below the enclosure mark. 5. IDENTIFICATION INITIALS * Initials are to be included if someone other than the writer types the letter. 6. ENCLOSURE * If there is/are enclosure/s to the letter, the abbreviation “Enc.” Or “Encl” is typed just below the identification notation. Many writers indicate the number of enclosures in the parenthesis after the abbreviation as “Encl (3)”.
Essential Qualities of Business Letter
The Eight C’s of Letter Writing 1) Clearness * Clear writing comes from clear thinking
Three suggestions for writing clearly a) Present one idea and only one idea in each sentences. b) Arrange your sentences in a manner easy for your reader to follow. c) Write simply and directly.
2) Conciseness * It is the expression of an idea in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness of meaning.
3) Correctness a) Correct in physical make up b) Free for all errors in punctuation and capitalization in word usage, in grammar, sentences and paragraph structure.
4) Concreteness * Give life and meaning to your letters by using specific, concrete words that create a picture in your readers mind. Avoid abstract and general terms.
5) Cheerfulness * It suggests friendliness, confidence, helpfulness and optimism. Try to show in your sentences a genuine willingness to serve your reader.
6) Courtesy
It implies deference, respect, consideration, and helpfulness. Courtesy in writing consists in using those words and phrases that indicate a willingness to serve. Words like “Thank you” and “Please” are always appreciated.
7) Consideration * Emphasizing the “You” attitude
8) Character * A letter that has a character reveals the individually and distinctiveness of the writer’s personality.
Kinds of Business Letter
Types of Business Letters
Inquiries and Replies * These letter which ask or answer question are usually brief and present on special difficulty.
The letter of inquiry consists of four steps which may be arranged in the following orders: a. State carefully the circumstances which necessitate the inquiry. b. State any facts needed by the reader in making a complete reply. c. Ask for the information, or state the question requested.
The reply should do the following things: a. Acknowledge the inquiry, or state the circumstances necessitating the reply. b. Answer the question fully. c. Build goodwill and pave the way for further contract.
Order and Acknowledgement * The order letter, as well as its acknowledgement and acceptance.
An order letter should contain the following elements; a. Name of the article ordered/ b. Description of each item, giving, size, style, finish, quality, material, weight, or whatever will help in identifying the article wanted. c. Catalog number of the item, if it is available; if not, the page number of the catalog (it is well also to include the number or date of the catalog). d. Quantity of each item wanted. e. Price of each item, and the total price of the order. f. Method of payment to be used the buyer ( occasionally, the conditions of acceptance of the order should be included). g. Method of shipment desired by the buyer. h. Address to which goods are to be shipped, especially important if shipping address differs from the post-office address. i. Date at which goods are desired.
Letters Giving Instructions * These letter of instructions should show careful adaptation to the reader, as well as clearness and courtesy in giving orders. * The writer should know the reader to whom the instructions are given so that they may adapt his letter to his needs, capacity and interest.
The elements of the letter of instructions are as follows: a. A general statement which gives the reason for the letter and paves the way for the detailed instructions. b. The detailed instructions. c. A request for a report, an expression of cooperation or thanks for the service to be rendered, or statement opening the way for further correspondence to clear up obscure points.
Claims and Adjustments Letters * Are used whenever a misunderstanding arises between two parties which cannot be easily handled by word of mouth. Both types of require unusual tact and skill handling. * A letter of adjustments is a letter written to a consumer in response to a complaint that was forwarded.
The Claim Letter Consists Of Four Steps: a. A complete and careful statement of what is wrong. b. A statement showing the inconvenience to which the claimant has been put, to arouse the interest of the adjuster. c. A request for an explanation, an adjustment, or whatever is needed to make good the error. d. A further appeal adapted to the reader’s pride, self-interest, sense of fair play, of fear.
In Adjustments Letter, the Functional order is follows: a. An expression of interest and sympathy, or an apology b. A clear and complete statement of the facts so that the claimant may understand the adjuster’s point of view. c. An offer of adjustment which is fair to both parties (many modern adjustment letter begin with this section and is often combined with a part) d. An assurance that the situation will not happen again to build up damaged goodwill.
LETTER OF APPLICATION * A letter of application tries to sell the writer’s services. * A letter of application should not be more than one page long if it is accompanied by a data sheet. But of course length is always subordinate to completeness and effectiveness.
TWO TYPES OF APPLICATION LETTER 1. Solicited letter – In writing solicited letter, the applicant must first analyze the position and himself.
How are you going to make a letter? * In constructing a sentence, the applicant should give careful thoughts to the phrasing of the opening sentence of his letter. * He should avoid the stereotyped beginnings. * State why the applicant is not employed why he is interested in the position advertised, and the details about why the writer feels that he can handle the position for which he/she is applying. * Character reference – should be a professional or only the person who know about applicant’s qualification. * State an interview.
2. Unsolicited letter – is a type of application letter without a personal data sheet.
SALES LETTER * A sales letter is a direct mail contact with the customer from the person selling the goods or services. It may come in the form of a leaflets, or an actual letter.
Four steps of sales effort 1. Attracting favorable attention. 2. Building interest and desire. 3. Convincing the reader. 4. Directing favorable action.
RECOMMENDATION LETTER * A letter in which a writer (usually a person in supervisory role) evaluates the skills, work habits, and achievements of an individual applying for a job, admission to graduate school, or some other professional position.
* A reference letter is provided for an employee by people who are familiar with his or her work or character and who have positive remarks to make. The reference letter can be employment-related, personal, or it can attest to the character of the individual. Employees will request a reference letter for a variety of reasons that include both employment and personal needs.
Reasons for a Reference Letter
Employees ask employers for a reference letter to: * Obtain a new job, perhaps to relocate, to start a new career, or to obtain a promotion with a new employer; * Go back to undergrad or grad school; * Obtain a loan from a bank or credit union; * Serve on a Board of Directors for a school, church, or nonprofit organization; * Volunteer to work with children or the elderly; and * Move into a new home or condominium.
Reference Letter Format
If you are writing a personal letter of reference, include a salutation (Dear Dr. Smith, Dear Mr. Jones, etc.). If you are writing a general reference letter, say "To Whom it May Concern" or simply don't include a salutation.
Paragraph 1
The first paragraph of the reference letter explains your connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know them, and why you are qualified to write a reference letter to recommend employment or graduate school.
Paragraph 2
The second paragraph of the reference letter contains specific information on the person you are writing about, including why they are qualified, what they can contribute, and why you are providing a reference letter. If necessary, use more than one paragraph to provide details.
Paragraph 3
When writing a reference letter referring a candidate for a particular job opening, the letter will include information on how the person's skills match the position they are applying for. Ask for a copy of the job posting and a copy of the person's resume so you can target your reference letter accordingly.
This section of the reference letter contains a brief summary of why are you are recommending the person. State that you "highly recommend" the person or you "recommend without reservation" or something similar.
The concluding paragraph of the reference letter contains an offer to provide more information.
October 20, 2012
Ms. Ma. Rissa Domingo
Weddings “R”
Dear Ms. Domingo: Subject: Inquiry for possible prices for a complete Wedding Entourage I got a referral from my friend, Kris Anderson that you provide a total package of wedding entourage for reasonable cost. Would it be possible if, you can email me or send it to the above address or through fax the complete and total price lists of the wedding package as well as wedding brochures and catalogues and hoping to help me finalize things and make final decisions in terms of choosing the best package for my wedding sometime next month? Does the package include photo shots and church arrangements? Would it be possible also to arrange for me the reception venue and menu details? If not, can you refer someone for me? I appreciate your support and coordination.
Looking forward to hear immediate results.
Respectfully yours,
Mr. Jerome Paje
October 21, 2012 Mr. Jerome Paje
7776 Yuen Tao Road
Hong Kong Dear Miss Chiu, Reply: Inquiry of possible prices for a complete Wedding Entourage I just received your letter yesterday from my mailbox and Kris Anderson was a good friend of my son, James. Thank you for the appreciation of our services and hoping to have a harmonious business relationship with you. Yes, we will provide you the complete and total price lists of the wedding package as well as wedding brochures and catalogues through sending it in your email address and also faxed it for assurance. If not received, you can also visit us or call for details. The package can include photo shots and church arrangements only if you choose mode A or B from our price lists. Unfortunately, we cannot cater the menu details but can arrange the venue for your convenience. Regarding the menu, I can refer Mr. Melvin Carlo Dial of Dial Food and Catering Services located at 2122 Kowloon Bay Hong Kong or you can call at his office, tel. no. 2312-5443. I will be looking forward to your decision regarding confirmation of arrangements and if you need assistance, I can send you our reliable wedding planner, Eunice Asencio. Also, if you have questions or concerns please, do inform us.
Yours sincerely Truly yours,
Ma. Rissa Domingo
General Manager
October 31, 2012
Sachin Computers
Station Road, New York
P.O. Box 1234
Mr. Jerome Paje
Pacific Computers
P.O. Box 1800
Subject: Computer parts order
Dear Sir:
Thank you for your catalogue and price list we are placing the order for the following parts:
SI No. | Particulars | Quantity | Unit Price | Amount | 1. | Pentim 4-processor | 5 | P 1,000 | P 5,000 | 2. | 256-DDR-RAM | 5 | 600 | 3,000 | 3. | CD-ROM –Samsung 52x | 5 | 850 | 4,250 | | Total | 15 | | P12,250 |
The items ordered above should shipped to the address indicated above.
It will be conducive for us if you send the mentioned goods immediately.
Please send the T/R and Bank Bill as early as possible at a discount of 20%.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Marie Mae Gongora
Pacific Computers
P.O. Box 1800
November 1, 2012
Sachin Computers
Station Road, New York
P.O. Box 1234
Dear Ms. Gongora:
Good day. We are writing to acknowledge the order that you sent us the other day. We are confirming your orders.
We have received your order for the following merchandise: 1. Five pieces of pentim-4 processor at P 1,000 each. 2. Five pieces of 256-DDR-RAM at P 600 each. 3. Five pieces of CD-ROM Samsung 52x at P 850 each
Total amount of the order: P 12,250.
Please note that we will be adding an extra P100 for the shipping fee. Your orders will arrive on November 5, 2012.
Please feel free to contact us if there are clarifications regarding your order. You can reach us at 938-2323. Thank you very much for your continued patronage. We are looking forward to serving you again.
Mr. Jerome Paje
Production Manager
San Miguel Corporation
Pureza Extension Street
Sta. Mesa, Manila
October 9, 2012
Anna Theresa V. Quindara
President, Stereophonic Advertising Company
1234 Uryuu Bldg. Connecticut Street
Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City
Dear Ms. Quindara:
As someone who has worked with your company for over three years, we were very disappointed to see the documents you produced for our latest San Miguel Corporation publicity campaign.
As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full color leaflets with fancy explanatory texts, but instead, we found that black and white photos had been included in the prepared leaflets. I think you will agree that a communication problem exist.
We would like you to send out a photographer to provide us with the promise color coverage, or provide us with a refund.
Yours truly,
Marie Mae Gongora,
Stereophonic Advertising Company
1234 Uryuu Bldg. Connecticut Street
Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City
October 17, 2012
Marie Mae Gongora
San Miguel Corporation
Pureza Extension Street
Sta. Mesa, Manila
Dear Ms. Gongora:
I was very disappointed to read your letter of October 9, 2012 dealing with the issue of incorrectly produced publicity leaflets. As someone who values your business, I have already begun to find a solution to resolve your problem.
My top photographer will call you to arrange an appointment at your earliest possible convenience to retake photos in full color. Also, we will deduct another 15 percent of the bill for the misunderstanding. Thank you for your patience.
Anna Theresa V. Quindara
Shoe Limited
Marketing Manager
189 Owen Lane
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Oliver Padriquela
General Manager
Essential Shoe Store
1155 Clifford Street
Dublin CA 94568
Dear Mr. Padriquela:
Is your company currently facing a problem regarding with the furnishing of shoes to your consumer that acquire great quality and excellent design? Well, our company, the Shoe Limited does great quality leather shoes with unique design. Our company is expert in making footwear’s for children’s and ladies’. We had just found out that ladies and children that have larger and wider feet have troubles in shopping for their shoes. Currently, our company offers a wide array of shoes in various sizes. Your clients will be very grateful with the collection that we have and I’m sure a lot of them will be able to find their sizes only on your store.
If you want to further know our company you can visit our official website which is Looking forward of having a great partnership with your company.
Truly yours,
Anna Theresa V. Quindara
Marketing Manager
December 12,2011
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is my personal recommendation for Marianne E. Bernardo. Until just recently, I have been Marianne's immediate supervisor for several years. I found her to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile.
Besides being a joy to work with, Marianne is a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. She has successfully developed several marketing plans for our company that have resulted in increased revenue. During her tenure, we saw an increase in profits that exceeded one million dollars. The new revenue was a direct result of the plans implemented by her.
Though she was an asset to our marketing efforts, Marianne was also extraordinarily helpful in other areas of the company. In addition to writing effective training modules for sales representatives, she assumed a leadership role in sales meetings, inspiring and motivating other employees.
I highly recommend her for employment. She is a team player and would make a great asset to any organization.
Melvin Carlo Dial
Marketing Manager ABC Productions
October 9, 2012
Mr. Oliver R. Padriquela
Chief Executive Officer
Acme Company
456 Main St.
Philadelphia, PA 12345
Dear Mr. Padriquela:
I am writing to formally notify you that I am resigning from my position asAccount Executive for the Acme Company. My last day with the company will be October 31, 2012.
Thank you for the professional and personal development you have assisted me with over the last five years. I consider just about everyone I have met here to be friends of mine now, and I will miss you all. However, my career has taken a different direction and I feel it’s time to move onto new opportunities and challenges.I appreciate the opportunities I have been given at Acme Company and your professional guidance and support. I wish you and the company’s success in the future.
Please call on me if there is anything I can do to help ease the transfer of my work or to help train your new employee.
Thank you and best wishes for a positive future.
Sincerely yours,
Anna Theresa V. Quindara
Account executive
BSA Company
2345 Centropolis Bldg.
Rizal Avenue, Olongapo City
October 1, 2012
Dear Padriquela:
Each year BSA Company holds a summer retreat for all division managers to reevaluate their programs and plan for fall sales events. This year, we are focusing on time management. We know of your expertise in this area and hope that you will accept our invitation to present a 2-days workshop for our managers during 9 o’clock in the morning of October 30 until November 1. We know you have a heavy schedule, but perhaps our early invitation will fit in your calendar.
We will meet in the main conference room of the BSA Hotel in Olongapo City. You will be our only presenter. We invite you to answer question that afternoon, but we understand if that is not possible. Our managers are eager to learn from you.
We can offer you an honorarium of ₱ 5,000 plus reimbursement of travel expenses and a hotel accommodation during the retreat. I think you will find your visit to Olongapo and the retreat a stimulating experience.
It would be very helpful in formalizing our plans if we could receive your response by October 1. We sincerely hope you will be able to join us on October 30.
Truly yours,
Marianne E. Bernardo
Executive Director
Nestle’ Corporation
Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Philippines
Tel: 623-7456 to 58 Fax: (02) 623-5764 to 67
October 25, 2012
Tarlac, Tarlac City
Dear Samuel:
Thank you for submitting your application for consideration for the Junior Accountant position and for taking the time to complete the interview process.
The interview process for the position is complete, and we regret to inform you that another candidate has been selected.
We were fortunate to have a number of very qualified candidates for this position. Although you were not the selected candidate, we were impressed with your qualifications.
I want to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in employment with the NESTLE CORPORATION.
HR Department- Nestle Corporation
November 25, 2001
Roxas Blvd. Quezon City
Dear Sir/Madam:
Rolly Inc. will hold its Christmas Party on December 22, 2001. On this particular and special day, we would like to ask your kind assistance to support this activity.
Any amount or good that will be given to us will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance and may the good Lord shower you more of His blessings in the coming years.
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Sincerely yours,
Pasay City, Manila
Dear Mr. Gonzales:
I would like to apply for the position of Assistant Personnel of the Personnel Division of your corporation.
I am twenty one years old, single, and in good health. I finished Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of the Santo Tomas in 1985.
At present, I am connected with East Asia College as Guidance Counselor. This position which requires the proper approach for effective counseling exposes me to different kinds of people.
For further information as to my qualifications and character, I refer you by permission to the following:
Metro Manila
Metro Manila
Should you desire to have me for a personal interview, I am very willing to see you at your most convenient time.
Very truly yours,
Annika Sanchez
Sitio San Isidro, Brgy. San Pablo
Castillejos, Zambales
October 28, 2012
The Manager
Purefoods Hormel Corporation
Sta. Rosa, Laguna
I have read your advertisement that you are in need of an Accountant in the connection, I would like to apply for the position. I am Anna Theresa V. Quindara, 25 years old, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in Ramon Magsaysay Technological University Campus last April 2011 and passed the Licensure Examination last June 2012.
For more information as to my qualification and character. I can refer you to the following persons:
1. Hon. Cesario Ildefonso
Brgy. Captain
San Isidro Castillejos, Zambales
2. Mrs. Donabel Feria
San Felipe Castillejos, Zambales
3. Ms. Rowena Buan- Yost
Nagbunga Castillejos, Zambales
I am willing to go to your office for an interview anytime at your convenient time.
Respectfully yours,
Anna Theresa V. Quindara
110 Realin St. Lucero San Marcelino, Zambales
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Personal data:
Birth Date: February 15, 1989
Birthplace: San Marcelino, Zambales
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 55 kg.
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Father: Arnel M. Dial
Occupation: Police Officer
Mother: Merly C. Dial
Occupation: Teacher
Address: San Marcelino, Zambales
Contact No.: 0915-288-0468
Special Skills:
Computer Literate and Driving
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales Philippine State College of Aeronautics 2005- 2007 Associate in Aircraft Maintenance Technology Basa Air Base, Florida Blanca, Pampanga Secondary: San Guillermo National High School 2001- 2005 Burgos, San Marcelino, Zambales
Elementary: San Marcelino Elementary School 1999- 2001 Burgos, San Marcelino, Zambales
Magsaysay Elementary School 1995- 1999
Magsaysay, Castillejos, Zambales
Character Reference:
1. Engr. Sherwin Manuel
San Marcelino, Zambales
2. Ms. Maricar Aiado
Subic Creative Center Incorporated
Block C Subic Commercial and Light Industrial Park
3. Mr. Jimbarry Ordillas
Ramon Magsaysay Technological University
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sitio Taponso Brgy. Nagbayan Castillejos, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Bank Clerk
Personal data:
Birth Date: April 28, 1994
Birthplace: San Marcelino, Zambales
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 1”
Weight: 50 kg.
Father: Mario C. Bernardo
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother: Ma. Conception E. Bernardo
Occupation: Housewife
Address: Nagbayan, Cstillejos, Zambales
Contact No.: 0933-544-7808
Special Skills:
Computer Literate, Drawing and Cooking
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Secondary: Castillejos National High School 2006- 2010 San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Elementary: San Agustin Elementary School 2000-2006 San Agustin, Castillejos, Zambales
Character Reference:
1. Hon. Quirino Adolfo
Brgy. Captain
Nagbayan, Castillejos, Zambales
2. Mr. Castor M. Feria
Subic National High School
3. Mrs. Rowena F. Pereyra
San Agustin Elementary School
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
De Perio St. San Juan Castillejos, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Account Executive
Personal Data:
Birth Date: August 30,1994
Birthplace: Olongapo City
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 0”
Weight: 40 kg.
Father: Eduardo D. Asencio
Occupation: Driver
Mother: Benita A. Asencio
Occupation: Housewife
Address: San Juan, Castillejos, Zambales
Contact No.: 0919-566-0585
Special Skills:
Computer Literate
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Secondary: San Nicolas Academy 2006- 2010 San Juan, Castillejos, Zambales Elementary: Castillejos Elementary School 2000-2006 San Juan, Castillejos, Zambales
Character Reference:
1. Rev. Alberto Ramos
Jesus Help of World Christian Church
2. PTR. Leynard Kingpis
The Open Bible Baptist Church
3. Mrs. Marites A. Quinto
San Agustin Elementary School
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Magsaysay St. Sitio San Isidro Brgy. San Pablo Castillejos, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Account Executive
Personal Data:
Birth Date: June 16, 1994
Birthplace: San Isidro Castillejos, Zambales
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 52 kg.
Father: Rocky M. Quindara
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother: Analy V. Quindara
Occupation: Housewife
Address: San Isidro Castillejos, Zambales
Contact No.: 0910-566-5895
Special Skills:
Computer Literate, Lettering, Drawing and singing
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Secondary: Castillejos National High School 2006- 2010 San Roque Castillejos, Zambales
Elementary: San Isidro Elementary School 2000-2006 San Isidro Castillejos, Zambales
Character Reference:
4. Hon. Cesario Ildefonso
Brgy. Captain
San Isidro Castillejos, Zambales
5. Mrs. Donabel Feria
San Felipe Castillejos, Zambales
6. Ms. Rowena Buan- Yost
Nagbunga Castillejos, Zambales
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Blk. 38A Lot 12 Purok 11 Balaybay Resettlement Castillejos, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Personal Data:
Birth Date: January 24, 1994
Birthplace: Metro Manila
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 0”
Weight: 50 kg.
Father: Santos A. Domingo
Occupation: Messenger Collector
Mother: Mely B. Domingo
Occupation: Housewife
Address: Balaybay Resettlement Castillejos, Zambales
Contact No.: 0932-580-7296
Special Skills:
Computer Literate
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Secondary: Castillejos Resettlement High School 2006- 2010 Balaybay Resettlement Castillejos, Zambales
Elementary: Baug Elementary School 2000-2006 Baug Urbiztondo, Pangasinan
Character Reference:
1. Hon. Arburo Manzano
Brgy. Captain
Balaybay Resettlement Castillejos, Zambales
2. Ms. Rumley A. Yap
Castillejos Resettlement High School
3. Mr. Dave Felimiano
Balaybay Resettlement Castillejos, Zambales
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
67 Del Pilar St. Brgy. San Roque Castillejos, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Senior Accountant III
Personal Data:
Birth Date: August 13, 1992
Birthplace: San Narciso, Zambales
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 60 kg.
Father: Alejo Padriquela
Occupation: Deceased
Mother: Emelia Padriquela
Occupation: Deceased
Special Skills:
Computer Literate, Singing, Acting and Dancing
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Secondary: Magsaysay Memorial College 2004- 2008 San Narciso, Zambales
Elementary: San Jose Patrocinio Elementary School 1998- 2004 San Narciso, Zambales
Character Reference:
1. Mr. Dante Alatiit
Ramon Magsaysay Technological University
2. Mrs. Jesusa Moncada
Ramon Magsaysay Technological University
3. Mr. Alfredo Dela Cruz Jr.
Office Clerk and Youth Leader
PREDA Olongapo City
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Purok 4 Mangan- Vaca Subic, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Account Officer
Personal Data:
Birth Date: March 17, 1992
Birthplace: San Marcelino, Zambales
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 47 kg.
Father: Mario C. Gongora
Occupation: Seaman
Mother: Mylene M. Gongora
Occupation: Housewife
Address: Purok 4 Mangan- Vaca Subic, Zambales
Special Skills:
Computer Literate and Dancing
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2009- Present Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education San Marcelino, Zambales
Secondary: Subic Central Elementary School 2004- 2008
San Narciso, Zambales
Elementary: Subic Central Elementary School 2001- 2005 Baraca Subic, Zambales
Character Reference:
1. Hon. Jeffrey Khonghun
Municipal Mayor
Subic, Zambales
2. Mr. Reymart Labang
SK Chairman
Mangan- Vaca Subic Zambales
3. Mr. Resty Tana
SK Advicer
Mangan- Vaca Subic, Zambales
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Brgy San Isidro, San Marcelino, Zambales
Objective: To be able to acquire a good- paying job suited to my professional skills and expertise.
Position Desired:
Personal Data:
Birth Date: February 8, 1993
Birthplace: San Isidro, San Marcelino, Zambales
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 52 kg.
Father: Ronnie A. Paje
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother: Ana Marie A. Paje
Occupation: Teacher
Address: San Isidro, San Marcelino, Zambales
Contact No.: 0948-701-8255
Special Skills:
Singing and dancing
Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University 2010- Present Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales
Secondary: San Guillermo National High School 2006- 2010 Burgos, San Marcelino, Zambales
Elementary: San Marcelino Elementary School 2000-2006 Burgos, San Marcelino, Zambales
Character Reference:
1. Hon. Bayani A. Maman
Brgy. Captain
San Isidro, San Marcelino, Zambales
2. Mrs. Rowena C. Abelon
San Isidro, San Marcelino, Zambales
3. Ms. Grace B. Corpus
Nagbunga Castillejos, Zambales
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Kinds of Technical Writing Report
The objective and technical report is to provide useful information. Analysis of information serves as the basis for recommendation. In technical writing, ideas are presented in an organized patterns with strong interval corrections, proper balance and appropriate expression.
DEFINITION OF REPORT * Paul M. Zall defines report as a document “designed to fulfill a need to know by communicating a set of ideas from a writer’s mind to the readers mind”. * In A.C. Howell’s language , a report is “a document intended for the purpose of recording and conveying information”. * In a technical report, it contained an ideas of things and about things especially data and interpretation – not merely raw data but analyzed or interpreted data.
Writing a technical report includes planning, collecting of information, designing, rough drafting and revising.
STEP 1: PLANNING * It is in this step that writers determine the scope of his work, their purpose and their target audience. This will serve as the foundation of the work of technical writers. As such, it is wise for them to heed some guidelines that will serve as the reminders , whether they are already adept in writing just beginning.
STEP2: COLLECTING INFORMATION * Information collected by the writer provides the meat of the reports. It will be substantiate the claims made using materials analyzed and synthesized. Gathering information involves great care and discernment. Not all information are factual, objective, accurate or reliable. Information may come from different sources and may take several forms – books, journals, interviews, experiments/tests, and the like.
STEP3: DESIGNING * This entails the overall arrangement or organization of all the elements of report writing. Designing is the process of organizing all these materials to create a substantial whole. Even if you have all the pertinent information, if they are arranged haphazardly, your report will lose the punch it will need to drive your message across . All it will look like is just a collection of data presented on paper with no focus or stand. It is important to take note of certain tools that will help catalyzed ideas and then bring about a sense of organization into your report.
FOUR BASIC TOPIC HEADING FOR ENDING 1. Summary * Summary is the most descriptive heading when a terminal section is a brief digest of the data alone. The subject of the report calls for no judgments to be offered; therefore, the ending simply recapitulates the main points of the discussion. 2. Results * Results are the proper heading, when a data concern a test, an analysis, or an experiment and we point out their significance. 3. Conclusion * If the writer is expected to evaluate the data and offer his judgment, “conclusion” should be the heading. 4. Recommendations * If the report ends with the writer’s advising what should be done – that is with his offering a recommendations. On the basis of the data given previously “recommendations” is the preferred heading. 5. Results and Conclusions 6. Results and Recommendations 7. Conclusions and Recommendations
STEP4: ROUGH DRAFTING * Provides the writer with an overview of his work. It shows how his ideas are arranged and brought to life. It is almost like a diary wherein the writer pours out everything he thinks and feels will contribute to the development of his work without putting much emphasis on superficial errors such as misspellings and incorrect punctuation marks.
STEP5: REVISING * This allows the writer to review what is written in the rough draft. Revising gives the writer the opportunity to see his work in its totality and to incorporate corrections. These corrections not only involve superficial errors, but, more importantly, conceptual ones. This is also the part where the writer reiterates information he wants to emphasize and his or her stand, if any, regarding the subject. The written work is carefully scrutinized to check any inconsistencies or lapses that may adversely affect his or her work.
PERIODIC REPORT * A written for the sole purpose of providing updates for the client who commissioned it. The report includes details pertinent to the project’s status. It primarily uses statistical data that reflect the dealings made for the subjects.
TWO CLASSIFICATIONS: 1. Routine report * Refers to a report written by an assigned employee or employees to his or her superiors. 2. Annual report * It is the periodic report of the organization as a whole, taking note of transactions made by the company in general.
TWO KINDS OF ANNUAL REPORT: a. Public Annual Report - serve to record the activities of an organization during the year, to note progress, to present statistics concerning the financial status and the general affairs of the organization.
Outline: I. Regular activities fixed by the administration A. Plant equipment, organization, personnel B. Operation procedure and its result, effect on organization and on community in general. II. Comment on the year’s activities, their effects and tendencies A. Possibilities for improvement in plant, methods and organization B. Prognostication from data, by extension, comparison, and contrast C. Incidental investigations growing out of the year’s activities D. Conclusions, suggestions, and recommendations b. Private Annual report – serves as means of keeping in touch with the year’s business. Since they are addressed to those interested in profits, they emphasize the financial side of the year’s activities.
Outline: I. Condition of the company II. Operation of the company III. Result of the year’s activities
PRELIMINARY REPORT * Indicates the validity of a particular project. It takes into account the basic requirements when putting up a project or the considerations of the proponent needs to know.
DISTINCT ELEMENTS: 1) A brief review of the factors involved. 2) Abstract of developments elsewhere, or comparison. 3) Exposition of plan favored by the report writer and arguments or reason pointing out its advantages. 4) Rough estimate of the costs of the plan. 5) Summary of the writer’s conclusion.
PROGRESS REPORT * Gives information on the history of a particular project over a limited period of time.
DISTIINCT PARTS: 1) What has been planned for the undertaking? 2) What has been accomplished to date or within the period, the special conditions meet, obstacles encountered, and other similar information? 3) What is planned for the future?
FINAL REPORT * Shows how the proposal was carried out. It is detailed and contains relevant illustrations. It serves as a permanent record of a project.
DISTINCT ELEMENTS I. History of the project II. Design A. Factors involved B. Methods used III. Results A. Description of the finished project B. Illustrations IV. Costs (actual and estimated) A. Labor B. Material
EXAMINATION REPORT * It is quite powerful written works because they influence decision-making strategies and outcomes.
THREE GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONS OF EXAMINATION REPORT 1) Reader * May deal with readers whose line of work involves technical or scientific knowhow. 2) Contents * May involves groups dealing with persons, processes, structure or materials. 3) Purpose * The report reflects the type of information target readers would want to know.
RECOMMENDAT ION REPORT * Any report that contains recommendations is a recommendation report and almost any report may contain recommendations. Its primary function is to persuade the reader to a certain course of action.
Parts of Recommendation report 1) Statement of the problem 2) Recommendations and advantages 3) Conclusion
FEASIBILITY REPORT * Reflects the findings and conclusions of a feasibility study. It defines the study in terms of its objectives and identifies the factors that determine whether the project is feasible or not. Pertinent data are presented, interpreted and summarized by the feasibility report has a choice of options: doing something, or not doing it.
Feasibility Study involves this steps: 1) Stating the purpose and scope of the study 2) Gathering and checking information 3) Analyzing data 4) Reaching conclusions 5) Arriving at a decision or recommendation
Elements of a feasibility report: 1) Letter of transmittal (preface) 2) Title page 3) Abstract 4) Table of contents 5) List of illustrations 6) Glossary of terms 7) Introduction 8) Discussion 9) Factual summary 10) Conclusions 11) Recommendations 12) References 13) Appendix
Proposal (business)
The Nature of Proposal A proposal is a written offer to solve a technical problem in a particular way under a specified plan of management for a certain time of money. It isa report which aims to convince a “customer”that the company or person presenting it is better qualified to give the product or service needed than all the other companies or person submitting the proposals.
A business Proposal is a written offer from a seller to a prospective buyer. Business proposals are often a key step in the complex sales process.
ELEMENTS OF PROPOSAL 1. Technical Proposal * It is a written offer to solve the technical problem. It describes especially the design or plans propose together with some alternate designs or plans. * A piece of communication – either oral or written which can persuade someone to accept the suggested views or ideas is a proposal. It is a systematic, factual, formal and persuasive description of a course of action or a set of recommendations. A proposal is an offer or bid to complete a certain for someone. 2. Management Proposal * It specified plan management. It explain to the prospective client how the entire project will be managed. Tells who will manage it and suggest the time schedule for completion of the different phrase of the project. * Proposal management involves complicated processes and team collaboration to be successful. Managing a proposal involves defining the process, planning the content, and coordinating review, as well as assigning staff and coordinating their activity. * Proposal management may be more of an art than a science, but there are proposal management best practices that you can follow. 3. Cost Proposal * Specified amount of money needed. This part gives the cost labor and materials item by item. * Preliminary cost estimate submitted by a contractor for the purpose of negotiation or planning a ,job or project.
TYPES OF PROPOSAL FORMAL PROPOSALS | NON- FORMAL PROPOSALS | * Formal proposals are lengthy proposals. * It is written for big projects. * It is written in manuscript format. | * Non-formal proposals are brief proposals. * It is written for small projects. * It is written in printed form, letter or memo formats. | INTERNAL PROPOSALS | EXTERNAL PROPOSALS | * An internal proposal is for reader within an organization. * It helps to study and solve problem of organization. | * An external proposals is for reader outside an organization. * It helps to study and solve problem of organization. | SOLICITED PROPOSALS | UNSOLICITED PROPOSALS | * A proposal written in response of a particular request from a client is known as solicited proposals. * Submitted in response to an invitation to bid , sometimes called a “bid request” , a purchase request or a request for proposal. | * Unsolicited proposals are written without any request for a proposals. * These are sometimes made a company in the top that the idea or plan is excellent to attract a potential client to buy the service or product being offered. |
* To initiate a new project * To provide fresh ideas * To solve problems * To reinforce innovative strategies * To conduct the basic research before developing a new plan. * To modernize the office procedures of an organization
* Proposals should be more creative in comparison of other forms of professional writing. * Proposal should contain a course of action with the rationale. * Proposal should keep in mind the customer’s convenience , financial benefit and prestige. * Proposals look attractive and neatly. * Proposals should include background, objective, description, summary of the problem. * The proposal should be concise and to the point. * The facts presented in proposal should be accurate. * A good proposal is always reader oriented. * A proposal must be written with grammatical accuracy for proper understanding.
Steps in Writing a Business Proposal * Research * Introduction * Executive summary * Procedures
PLAN OF ORGANIZATION FOR PROPOSALS 1. State of the problem. 2. Recommendation of the proposal solution. 3. The scope approach. 4. Funding. 5. Time schedule involve. 6. The experience and expertise of the personnel or company involved. 7. A final justification of the report.
Contemporary Communication
In this chapter, some of the widely utilized methods are briefly discussed: photocopier, fax machine, cellphone, internet, e-mail, hypertext and desktop publishing.
In the 20th century, reproducing a document required the use of messy, inefficient and tedious method. the options included the mimeograph machine, copy photography, and wet photocopiers.
The photocopier started its development in the early 1800’s. Common projection copiers include the copy camera and the postal machine. A copy camera takes a photograph of the original. The film is then developed producing a negative to make a positive copy. Copy cameras, like all projection cameras, can enlarge or reduce the size of the copy made from the original.
Electrostatic photocopying was invented in 1938 by Chester F. Carlson, an American. Photocopiers are completely dry. This type of photocopying is known as Xerography. Xerox in Greek means ‘dry’ and graphy means ‘writing’.
Fax is short for ‘facsimile transmission’ which is used worldwide. Photocopiers of pictures and letter can be transmitted throughout the globe in seconds.
The early models took approximately six minutes to send a document, the size of standard size bond paper.
The next model reduced transmission time to three minutes.
Now, fax machines transmit documents in four or five seconds.
The fax machine is linked to the telephone system. Fax transmission costs the same as the ordinary telephone call. Messages can be transmitted round the clock.
Personal computers can function like fax machines. Computer-based faxing transmits electronic computer files as faxes to another computer or to a fax machine. The computers must be equipped with faxing software and fax modern, and it has to be connected to a telephone line.
In the second half 1990, internet fax services became increasingly popular. These services provide the ability to receive faxes. Some website provides an individual with his own fax numbers that allows him to receive faxes as if they were e-mail. These faxes are now called as fax mail.
A cellular phone or a cell phone is a system of mobile radio-telephone transmission with as area divided into ‘cells’ each served by its own smaller transmitter.
The mobile communications industry began in 1921 when two-way radios were installed in the car of the Detroit Police Department.
The first commercial radio telephone services was introduces to the public in St. Louis in 1962. By 1977, AT and T Ben Labs operated a prototype cellular system.
The parts of the cell phone are the microphone, speaker, LCD display, keypad, battery meter, LED lights, Digital Signal Processor, CODEC RF unit, SIM Card reader, external connectors on board memory and antenna system.
The main advantage of a cell phone is its instant accessibility.
Internet is the interconnection of computer networks that enables connected machines to communicate directly. The term refers to a particular global interconnection of government, education and business computer networks that is available to the public. These are also smaller internets, usually for the private use of a single organization, called intranets.
The Internet Protocol is the basic software used to control an internet.
The internets allow information to pass between computers. The newest and most important internet services is hypertext transfer protocol (http), http read and interpret files on a remote machine, not only text, but pictures, sounds, and video information. Http is the information transfer protocol that is the basis for the collection of distributed information called the World Wide Web.
World Wide Web (also known as the Web or WWW) is a collection of files, called web sites or web pages, that includes textual, graphic, sound and video information, as well as links to other files.
Electronic mail is a communication tool that consists of a network of wires and electronic signals.
E-mail combines features of telephone calls, notes, face-to-face oral communication, and CB-radio chatter. Messages are always short; the average length is six lines.
The following simple rules may be helpful: * Review messages before you send them out to make sure you are really saying what you want to say. * Be patient with inexperienced e-mail users. * Include a subject that accurately reflects the subject of your message. * Do not type in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS; this gives the impression of shouting and is considered RUDE. * Do not send criticism by e-mail; it is better to talk to the person face-to-face.
Chat describes the way people communicate online in real time. The term ‘chat’ is actually a misnomer. Typically, people in online chat session type messages to each other using their keyboards. The message then appears on the screens of all the participants. Chat can involve two or more people.
Internet relay chat is a vast network of clients and servers and can be thought of as a mass text based teleconferencing system.
THE ICQ-Instant Messenger on Steroids
Is a sort of an acronym for ‘I seek you’, you will be prompted to enter information in your user profile.
ICQ notifies you with a ‘knock knock’ sound when your contacts are online. You can even send e-mail through the ICQ program, it is really a quiet and versatile communication program.
Nem Singh, Rosario P., Calixihan, Jovita O. “Fundamentals of Technical Writing”. Manila: National Bookstore,.
Mills, Gordon H. and Walter, John A. (1986) “Technical Writing”. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. The Dryden Press. Saunders college Publishing
Macauhay, Cynthia H. (1989) “Effective Business Letters and Communication”. Manila: National Bookstore.
Diano, Lucesa, et. Al. “Technical English”. Manila: St. Anthony Book Services, 1992.
Vicente, Corazon, et al. (1997) “Technical Writing”. (revised edition)