Scientific hypothesis sample
A scientific hypothesis that I have in mind is; I believe that the reason dogs’ does not matter the age, tinkle (pee) on themselves when you interact with them is because they had a traumatizing experience with a human counterpart. There has not been any study done on this hypothesis, which I intend to turn into a theory. The way will go about texting this hypothesis is by submitting the years of breeding I have written personal notes on various specimens’. I also have acquired two puppies one Male, and one female both age 2months. One the female name Roxy is my personal pet the other my family rescued, the other we rescued. This male name Ricco is a pit-bull, he was found badly hurt, a couple of broken ribs and lacerations’. He definitely came from a traumatize environment. I decided to go with Karl Popper’s strategy. His strategy; for it to be a scientific hypothesis it must be testable, it must be falsifiable. During the observation and testing the hypothesis must generate predictions. Popper goes on to explain that predictions are results of your observation or test that are happening right now, to say a hypothesis generates predictions means it is testable (Stanbrough,n.d). Popper believes that in science there will happenings that will be out your control while testing hypothesis, but what sold on his strategy was the fact that you have to be able prove the hypothesis wrong also. In the hypothesis I am going with as of now is a hit or miss, I feel strongly about my hypothesis. It’s been tough getting Ricco to be comfortable with his new surroundings, he tinkles on himself every time we initiate interaction, but I must say having another puppy around that reacts to the interaction totally different and not scared is making Ricco more relax I notice.
Stanbrough,n.d. What is a hypothese. Retrieved, July 3rd2012
References: Stanbrough,n.d. What is a hypothese. Retrieved, July 3rd2012