The scientific method proves how important chemistry is in our lives and in society through observation and experimentation. There are many steps involved in the scientific method. Each of these steps can be used by society today in industry, market, and even academia. The scientific method can even be used in our daily lives as well as in our future careers. Chemistry may not be believed to be used by most people in their daily lives, but the scientific method shows us that chemistry is indeed important in understanding the world.
The steps to the scientific method start with observations. We observe situations and use our curiosity to question why things are the way they are. From the observations that are made hypotheses and laws are formed. These are the explanations we believe answer the questions brought on by the observations. The next step in the scientific method is experimentation. These are controlled tests that are used to confirm or discredit the hypotheses or laws. Once the experiments are completed we revise the hypothesis, or revise the law to form a confirmed hypothesis. Then we use the confirmed hypothesis to form theories. The theories are then also tested by experimentation in order to confirm or allow us to revise those theories. The last step is to report the results for others to use to increase their knowledge of the natural world.
The scientific method can be used in society today to produce new technologies that will raise the living standards by creating advances in many different areas of life. The scientific method has been used to increase food production to feed the billions of people living today. It has been used to create rapid transportation needed to help society keep up with the speed of the world today. Technology has been improved through the scientific method with the creation of unparalleled access to information that is also needed in society today. In my opinion the greatest contribution of the scientific method in academia is the increase in knowledge that can be obtained.
Most people do not believe they use chemistry in our lives, but we use the scientific method in every decision me make in our lives. To be successful in our future careers it is very important to use the scientific method. Each decision should be thoroughly thought through, tested, and revised to ensure we always make the best decisions.
Tro, N. J. (2009). Introductory chemistry (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall
References: Tro, N. J. (2009). Introductory chemistry (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall