Aretha, David. The Civil Rights Movement; The Trial of the Scottsboro Boys. North Carolina: Morgan Reynolds, 2008.
Uschan, Michael V. Landmark Events in American History; The Scottsboro Case. Wisconsin: World Almanac Library, 2004.
Linder, Douglas O. Famous American Trials. 1999. Johnson, Claudia D. Scottsboro Trial. 1994. The Greenwood Publishing, Inc. http://
Many Americans wonder to know if the nine Negro boys really did gang rape the two white girls. Well this is not a short everyday trial. Many interviews, evidence, and witnesses took so long to prove what happened it took a quite a few years. Also it was hard to verify what boy did or didn’t do. Many complications came threw out of this and many protests were taken due to the racial fact of this case. This was one of the most life changing American trials that ever took place.
This comes back to March 24, 1931, when two white girls from Huntsville northern Alabama, walked to a freight train to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Victoria Price, the older of the two, whose age was 21, planned the trip wanting Ruby Bates, 17 years old, to go along with her. Victoria Price states in court that she and Ruby spent the night at a woman’s home named Mrs. Brochie. An investigation took place by the attorney of the defense who failed to discover any woman of such name or the home they said they stayed at. The two girls stated that the reason for the trip was to find a new job but without any luck they did not find any. So they decided to come back home to Huntsville. On March 25, they climbed on a freight car. On the car they met seven white boys and began to meet them. Ruby Bates later in an interview stated that she did not speak to the boys and stayed around by herself while Victoria spoke, laughed, and sang with them on the other side. Although
Cited: Uschan, Michael V. Landmark Events in American History; The Scottsboro Case. Wisconsin: World Almanac Library, 2004. Linder, Douglas O. Famous American Trials. 1999. Johnson, Claudia D. Scottsboro Trial. 1994. The Greenwood Publishing, Inc. http://