A Final Thought
We find Scrooge in a recumbent (p. 39) position on Christmas Eve in the late 1800’s, exactly 10 years after the spirits of Christmas visited him. Why isn’t he out spreading joy, you ask? Well, over the past week, Scrooge has become extremely tired, old, and maybe even sordid (p. 55). And he believes that he may not last much longer. Scrooge very well may be lying in his death bed. Flowers and cards paint the room in endless wonder. Presents line the walls and children rush through the room, picking ones up as they go, until not a vestige (p. 42) of presents was in sight. “Thank you Mr. Scrooge!” they say, creating quite the tumult (p. 49). It always did put a smile on Ebenezer Scrooge’s face to see the children of the neighborhood so cheerful. He now knows that he has done …show more content…
Thank you for you benevolence (p. 50) dear sir!” they all say as they exit Scrooge’s humble home. Then Scrooge, he fell into a deep sleep. Until precisely eleven thirty at night.
“Ebenezer Scrooge!” he heard two voices say, “you have honored Christmas in your heart and are in touch with liberality (p. 16)! You have much veneration (p. 14) from us and others! We are proud!” Scrooge saw the three spirits, The Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet To Come- whom was mute. Scrooge then fell to sleep at eleven thirty five.
A bright light awoke Scrooge with a fright at eleven fifty five, and he knew the figure the moment he saw it. The spirit that had come to visit him that night was Fan which he wished was more opaque (p. 37).
“Oh, Fan,” cried Scrooge, “darling sister Fan!”
“Dear brother, you have honored me in your heart by giving to others and fulfilling you reclamation (p. 42)!”
“Oh, Fan I have so much to ask of you!”
“Ebenezer, we must discuss another day. The time is now. The time has come! Walk with me to the heavens above!” And with that, Scrooge took his sister’s hand and stepped into the light, never to return.
By Robyn