After being jettisoned from a seemingly routine trip home, Alex found himself stranded among a group of other survivors who banded together to form the divided-but-whole shell of the Toropolian outlanders. From this base, the group split up into two areas, The Valley of Genesis, and the much smaller base known as The Experiment. Alex was unfortunate enough to be on the crew founding the latter. Within a season, The Experiment was beginning to look like a definitive failure. The splintered group were incapable of building up infrastructure quickly, and the weakest started to break down mentally. Before a year was passed, two of Alex’s crew had to be put down to prevent them from damaging The Experiment’s chances. This only worsened the groups struggles, as the group reached a breaking point on the 8th day of Fall. It was on this day that the entire experiment ran out of rations. The food they had packed with them was insufficient and farms and hunting weren’t fast enough. Anyone who could come upon any form of nutrition would quickly scarf it down raw to avoid having it taken. The group had, in under a year, became like a pack of feral animals. It was at this point in time that it was drawn to Alex’s attention that someone amongst the colony had scavenged a few green bottles, needles, and medical …show more content…
Alex was told exactly what would be done to him, and he accepted his fate with dignity. The citizens of the Experiment gathered to say their goodbyes, eventually leaving only Alex’s surgeon, Emma, and Alex’s love, Adrianne. As Emma made an incision to crudely anesthetize Alex, Adrianne bespoke Alex her final farewell and gave him a final kiss as Emma filled a syringe with a black tincture, nightshade. Adrianne held her lover’s hand through the end, even though he was numb to it all, she felt she had to be there for him as Emma injected the fluid into his cerebellum. After the body was sanitized, Adrianne brought Alex to his crude tomb, and laid him into his final rest, murmuring her truly final farewell and weeping for what could have