|Key vocabulary |Silviculture The profession of |Park vs. nature |First 2 U.S. National Parks? |
| |growing trees |preserve A park is a |Yosemite Valley and |
| |Clear-cutting when all the trees in |place the people can |Yellowstone |
| |an area are cut down to be used for |enjoy and roam | |
| |something. |wherever they please,| |
| |Shelterwood cutting cutting dead and |while a nature | |
| |less desirable tree |preserve is someplace| |
| |Seed-tree cutting removes all but a |that preserves the | |
| |few seed trees to promote the next |nature and allows | |
| |generation of trees. |things to grow | |
| |Selective cutting individual trees |instead of not really| |
| |are marked and cut. |preserving the park. | |
|Brief summary of the chapter |Negative effects of clear-cutting: |Situations where |2 Primary causes of |
| |Clear cutting eliminates the factors |clear-cutting may be |deforestation: |
| |of first and secondary succession |effective to |primary causes include things|
| |which makes it much harder for the |regenerate desirable |like logging and the