A significant issue with marine life being held captive is their health. They are held in water tanks which are not fully sustainable for marine life, it torments them physically and mentally. Now, imagine, how it would feel being sealed away in a limited amount of area, away from everything you know and love. It’s quite harsh, isn’t it? Well, that’s what marine animals experience on a day to day basis. According to the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, sea animals skin and eyes are damaged by the high amount of chlorine levels in the water in their tanks. They are also …show more content…
But, how long, how long are we just going to hear and read about news of all these sea animals across the world, that are being abused and forced to perform useless tricks their whole life in captivity? It is a common misunderstanding that sea animals live longer captive than in the wild, that is not true. Research shows that sea animals average a much larger life by living in the ocean than living in captivity. Peta.org experts stated that wild orcas can live for decades, but orcas in captivity only average to live 9 years. At least 44 orcas and more than 60 bottlenose dolphins have died in the last 10 years at Seaworld and more than 40 sea animals have died at Marineland in the past 15