1. What is denial and what problems does it lead to?
Denial is how we pay attention to everything today; we are constantly making unconscious choice about what to notice, and not to notice. It means when something happened and the person lies to cover up or used to escape from the truth, According to the book, Denial is the unconscious calculus that if an unpleasant reality were true, it would be too terrible, so therefore it cannot be true. Denial today is all around us, if we ignore the obvious at a certain moment because we simply don’t want to confront it, it might lead to more problems. The longer we ignore it the more serious it will become and the more difficult it will be to get back to normal.
2. What caused the downfall of the US tire industry?
According to the book, US tire industry looked like destiny and it would last forever during the 1910s, the downfall of the US tire industry happened in year of 1970s and 1980s, the causes is because of their denial of the impact of the new technology took place in two distinct phases. First they refused to believe that radial tires would succeed in the American market the way they had in Europe. Second, after it became clear that radials would indeed make it in America, the tire manufacturers denied that their world would change forever.
3. How does group think affect organizations?
In an environment of groupthink, minimizing conflict becomes the primary goal rather than producing concrete results or achieving true consensus. Groupthink can create an overwhelming desire for unanimous decision. If group thinking has taken over a collaborative effort it can be difficult, if not impossible, to get a variety of suggestions on any issue because each individual member of the group has sacrificed his ability to think outside of the box in favor of conforming the norms