Most people that don’t buckle up assume that they are a good driver and there’s no need. But what if a bad driver hits you? Ninety percent of people use a seat belt on highways but most traffic fatalities happen within twenty-five miles away from home and under forty mile-per-hour. ‘I’m just running to the gas station’ can turn into a fatal accident. You have an airbag and think that’ll save you? Great, but airbags can actually do more of damage than good. Airbags can push in your lungs making it hard for any adult or child to breathe. Airbags shouldn’t be used as a substitute, airbags plus a seat belt actually provides the greatest protection. When partnered with a seat belt airbags are forty percent more effective for adults. Drivers and passengers of car accidents that don’t buckle up are more likely to die than drunk drivers, sleeping drivers, or drivers who use their cell phones.
Laws are now beginning to encourage drivers that buckling up is very necessary. Most states are taking action from passing a primary enforcement laws and making seat belt laws apply to everybody in the car to making fines high enough to be effective. Seat belt use is lower in states with secondary enforcement compared to states with primary enforcement laws by 9% and still rising. Primary enforcement laws are making a big difference in getting people to buckle up.
The difference between primary and secondary enforcement is that primary