In the article “Violence, Older Peers, and the Socialization of Adolescent Boys in Disadvantage Neighborhoods” David J. Harding stated that “most theoretical perspectives on neighborhood effects on youth assume that neighborhood context serves as a source of socialization, but the exact sources and processes underlying adolescent socialization in disadvantaged neighborhoods are largely unspecified and unelaborated”. What Harding is saying is that most adolescent boys tend to look up to older boys in their disadvantaged neighborhoods which most often lead to crimes and violence. This is primarily because the young adolescent boys believe that fitting in with the older boys is one of the only ways they feel socially accepted.
In disadvantaged neighborhoods, young children are thought through differential exposure, behavioral models or cultural ideas how to make decisions from schooling and also to romantic relationships. Wilson’s isolation theory argues that the people that live in poor neighborhoods are most often isolated from middle class and mainstream social groups, organizations, and institutions due to the lack of jobs. Social isolation is known for creating cultural isolation, which also comes with a lack of educational and labor market opportunities. While social isolation tells us the consequences of disadvantaged neighborhoods; social organization theory tell us community capacity for social control which argues that disadvantaged neighborhoods lead to chaos rather than order. Social organization helps us compare and contrast neighborhood crimes, violence, and delinquency. Social organization predicts the level of violence and also how the residents respond to violence. Sharkey (2006) shows us that adolescents in neighborhoods with higher levels of collective efficacy have greater street efficacy that perceived ability to avoid violence and victimization in their neighborhoods. Social organization can have