He was then hospitalized for four days after, for something he couldn’t have prevented. Fortunately Jamason Coles, an average high schooler here, in Lexington Kentucky, lived after medical treatment. Sadly, others are not so lucky. Smoking in public places is not only detrimental to the health of the smoker, but those around them, and it should be banned in …show more content…
Also, two in every five nonsmoking children are exposed, that's s about 13 students in this classroom alone. Though it may not seem like much, over the past 50 years, 2.5 million people have died due to ingesting second-hand smoke. Some people believe that it doesn’t matter if people breathe in this harmful substance. But I know that this smoke is extremely dangerous to us. Second-hand smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals including about 70 that can cause cancers. Some of the many other health issues caused by this smoke are strokes, respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer. For most Americans, second-hand smoke is inevitable, as many smokers decide to smoke near building entrances and other common public areas. This is absolutely not healthy for anybody to be exposed to. The scary part about second-hand smoke is the fact that there is no way to be exposed to it “risk-free”. Even the smallest amounts can be harmful to our health. The amount of nonsmokers exposed to second-hand smoke has decreased over the years, which is great. I think it is still necessary to continue decreasing the level until it has reached the absolute