Second hand smoke has caused 7,330 Lung Cancer related deaths each year, and 33,950 Heart Disease related deaths each year according to the Center for Disease Control. Second hand smoke caused 2.5 million deaths between 1964 and 2014 according to the US Surgeon General. It can also cause heart attacks and stroke with only short term exposure, it has been proven to be a definitive cause of strokes. Aside from death, heart attack, and stroke there are other health related problems associated with second hand smoke, such as respiratory infections, ear infections, and it can even cause more frequent and severe asthma
Second hand smoke has caused 7,330 Lung Cancer related deaths each year, and 33,950 Heart Disease related deaths each year according to the Center for Disease Control. Second hand smoke caused 2.5 million deaths between 1964 and 2014 according to the US Surgeon General. It can also cause heart attacks and stroke with only short term exposure, it has been proven to be a definitive cause of strokes. Aside from death, heart attack, and stroke there are other health related problems associated with second hand smoke, such as respiratory infections, ear infections, and it can even cause more frequent and severe asthma