April 20, 2015
Security companies and organizations develop and establish goals to aid and help them build a profitable and successful long-term business. The security market has a wide variety of activities from physical to information security. Even with the wide variety range, all of the objectives and goals are basically the same from company to company. An important way that a security operation or company establishes goals and objectives is through the relationship that it builds with its ' customers. It also meets its goals and standards by the product it puts out to the people who have hired their services. The organizations must also focus on the type …show more content…
of tactics it uses for recruitment, as well as retentions practices to maintain quality employees.
A vital element of security operations is confidentiality. Confidentiality is the backbone of security, without it then the operations are not secure. This is crucial for all employees and employers in the field of security due to the nature of the business.
There are many legal aspects and issues that deal with organizational security. One of the major legal issues is the fragile information system used within the organizational companies. This could deal with personnel files, company policies, and even financial records dealing with the company or client. There must be preventative measure in place to guarantee the privacy of this information. In regards to this, there must be legal ramifications set in place so that if a breach does in fact happen the consequences are not far behind. So that is why contracts and other legal binding agreements are in place between the companies and the clients. This is particularly the case when dealing in government operations. Most security companies …show more content…
have contracts set in place so that there is a legal agreement already at hand. The legal agreement or contract is in place to protect the client and the employee. One of the major focuses of the contract is to make sure that no information is disclosed between outside or other agencies, that could degrade the effectiveness of the mission of said company.. The other legal element is the provision not to disclose any trade secrets with competitors in the event the employees terminated. When thinking of security management society must consider all the legal ramifications that come into play. Managers work hard to prevent loss, protect property and human assets. Individuals who are government employees have all signed some type of contract, and this is becoming the case with most security organizations. There are many specific crimes that fall into the legal aspects of both business and government. Some of these crimes range from theft to crimes against a person or property and legal action is taken. The security organization must be aware of all legal issues that relate to successfully doing their job.
There are specific positive and negative influences regarding organizational security.
One key positive influence is the attention to detail and the ability to meet key needs within the business. This allows puts forth the appearance that the business is worthy of security and thus is more valuable and successful than other business. Another positive influence regarding organizational security is the ability to develop strategic security context models. A negative influence regarding organizational security is the ability to handle accountability. With responsibility come accountability and enforcing decisions and ownership of the feedback from employees and clients. If a security organization fails to achieve their goals and objectives there are several negative effects. First, there is the issue of profitability. The driving force behind being successful and achieving goals and objectives is to be a profitable long term business. When the profits are not occurring, as they should, the organizations are not able to maintain the level of employees and provide the level of service that is expected of the clients. In addition, when the security organization does not achieve their goals and objectives they are not able to compete with other security
The value that private security management brings to businesses is more and more valuable each year. A security operations organization can develop specialist services that are not available from other suppliers. Targeting the services of specific market sectors can do this. Another value of a private security management organization to businesses is the ability to offer high levels of service, such as 24- hour security monitoring or rapid response times to security incidents. Any business that choices to use the services of a security operations organization has the distinct advantage of being able to have a tailored plan for your company and being able to have a a service that is designed to meet your business’s specific needs. Not only does this provide peace of mind, but it also sets a business apart from others as being successful and valuable.