Racial profiling, especially when it relates to an individual's job field is referring to discrimination by officials who target people based on their race. In the novel, Jem and Scout question why Tom Robinson’s wife is not able to hold down a job. To be more specific, “‘Cal, I know Tom Robinson’s in jail an’ he’s done somethin’ awful, but why won’t folks hire Helen?’ I asked… ‘It’s because of what folks say Tom’s done…”’ (Lee 203). Tom’s wife was incapable of getting hired because of her husband’s reputation; hence, racial profiling because of Tom altering caucasian’s perception of blacks to be even more negative. Unemployment has gotten to be more apparent as the years go on, however, there’s still a major problem in racial profiling when it comes to jobs. For example, the unemployment rate for white people is 4.3%, contrary, African American’s hold an unemployment rate of 8.8%, more than twice of white people (Glinton). Researchers conclude the reasoning for this significantly large gap is that employers will more likely hire someone with a name that is considered “whiter”, the proposition of whites over blacks originates from the stereotypes of better education and atmosphere in general (Miah). The job world is biased and discriminatory when compared to wages and occupations offered. Racism and more specifically, racial …show more content…
Likewise, Black Lives Matter activists have been perceived as disreputable from the riots and many have seen cases of aggression towards White people. An article states, “If white mobs harassed black people, screamed racist slogans and claimed that even the existence of black people was oppressive, no one would hesitate to describe that ugliness as racism. When #BlackLivesMatter racists do it, it’s excused, defended and even praised as a civil rights movement” (Greenfield). Black people who feel empowered are more or less viewed to Greenfield as if they’re doing the opposite of their intentions and instead of fighting for things to become more equal, they are reversing the discrimination that happened to their ancestors and in so, acts out on their given perpetrators. Nonetheless, the effective way of determining someone’s rights is not by making someone else feel the victim or pinpointing and ranking privileged people to non-privileged people. In all, although rights of every