Seizures happen when the brain cells send out abnormal signals. When people have recurrent seizures it called a seizure disorder also known as Epilepsy. There are two general types of seizures; partial seizures and generalized seizures.
Small partial seizures involve part of the brain. They symptoms include involuntary twitching of the muscles, changes in the vision, vertigo, and unusual taste and smells. The person does not lose consciousness. Complex partial seizures have the same symptoms but in addition the person will lose awareness for a time. They may engage in repetitive behavior (like walking in a circle or rubbing their hands) or stare (Wikipedia 2011).
Generalized seizures involve almost all or all of the brain. There are absence seizures (petit mal) where you may start or have brief loss of consciousness. Myoclonic seizures are when the person is very jerky and/or twitching on both sides. Symptoms of a Grand Mal seizure are loss of consciousness, shaking and twitching, and loss of control of the bladder. The person can have unusual feelings before the seizure occurs. These types of seizures last 5-20 minutes and are the worst type to have (Merck 2011).
“What actually causes seizures is unknown. The only thing that researchers have found is that the brain cells get over excited and fire abnormally. Things that may cause seizures to occur are; head injury, genes, dementia, injury to the brain before birth, some medical conditions, strokes, and heart attacks” (Ron Jock 2011).
Epilepsy is usually controlled, but cannot be cured. Thirty percent of people with epilepsy do not have any control over their seizures even with the medications. The other seventy percent have little to all (wide range) control over their seizures (University of Maryland Medical Center 2011). Some people may have Epilepsy as a child and “grow out” of it. As they get older they stop having seizures. For others, there are many different types of
Cited: Carter, Pamela J. Lippincott 's Textbook For Nursing AssistantsA Humanistic Approach to Caregiving. 3rd ed. Lippincott, 2011. Print. "Epilepsy." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. . Http://, Ron Jonk-. "Seizure Disorders." University of Maryland Medical Center | Home. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. . "Seizure Disorders: Merck Manual Home Edition." THE MERCK MANUALS - Trusted Medical and Scientific Information. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. .