Baker College
Case Scenario Self Esteem
There are many similarities and differences to self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Self-concept is the mental image or perception that one has of oneself. Self-esteem is the experience of feeling competent to cope with the basic challenges in life and of being worthy of happiness. Then self-efficacy is confidence in your ability to carry out a specific task in contrast to generalized self-confidence. The only person that can feel self-concept if yourself. It is what you are thinking of yourself at any given time. You could feel that you are a happy, joyful person, while someone else sees you as a depressed and sad being. The was you see yourself no other person can ever know. Your self-concept can change at any time, if you complete something that you have been working for then you will see yourself as a much happier person, but if you fail at a goal then you may look at yourself as a failure. That is why self-concept is different from the others. Most of the time the only way you can feel happiness in yourself is when you have self-esteem. You have to be able to deal with the basic challenges in life and still have happiness. Someone who thinks they are a loser, or do not like the way they look physically may have a low self-esteem and it may be harder for them to find a happy point in their life. Someone who is confident in who they are will most likely be happier. Self-esteem is also only found in your inner self. Most people will not be able to see that you are confident or have a low self-esteem. Some people have harder times completing tasks on their own, this can be due to a low self-efficacy. Sometimes it may be more challenging for a person to complete a simply task on their own when another person jumps right into the challenge. People with a low self-efficacy may need help starting a goal or task on their own, they need someone else to
References: DuBrin, A.J. (2011). Human Relations For Career & Personal Success. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson. G. & C. Merriam CO. (1974) The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. New York, NY: Pocket Book.