Table of Contents
A - Executive Summary 3
B - The company "Alpha" 4
1- Company Background 4
2- Reasons of the change 5
3- Self management team concept 6
C - Analysis of Primary Research 7
1- Research approach 7
2- Data Analysis 8
D - Recommendations to Management 10
E - References 1
Executive Summary:
Self management teams are nowadays popular in the business environment since the 90´s (Attaran & Nguyen, 2000. p.22). As many other companies, the company "Alpha" decided to implement this organizational structure on the 1st of November 2007. The company needed to act because "Alpha" was facing a critical situation. Despite good sales reports, "Alpha" was not profitable enough due to some increasing expenses from the marketing campaigns and due to a low retention rate of the customers at the early stage of the programme. In order to improve the situation, the Manager Director decided to take several actions including the system of self management team for the sales Department.
Shifting the organizational structure to another implicates a drastic change in the way of working for the management level and for the staff. The employees´ attitude also needs to change due to their new responsibilities. This study will highlight the views and the feelings of the change from the employees´ side. A survey filled in by half of the employees concerned by this change demonstrated a certain misunderstanding from some of the employees about the consequence of the change on the day-to-day basic. Some employees, especially the top achievers in the Sales department could see this change having negative effects on their own situation which risks influencing their participation in this project. However, the main risk comes from the lack of clarity in the communication process.
At that time, some recommendations have been
References: - Attaran, M. & Nguyen, T. 2000. Creating the Right Structural Fit for Self-Directed Teams. Team Performance Management 6. - British CRM. UK CRM soft ware or hard sell, [Accessed 3rd of January 2008] - DeDreu, C. K. W. and M. A. West. 2001. Minority Dissent and Team Innovation: The Importance of Participation in Decision Making. Journal of Applied Psychology 86 - Hammer, M. & CityplaceStanton, country-regionS.A. 1995. The Reengineering Revolution. Harper Business. - Wageman, R. 1997. Critical Success Factors for Creating Superb Self-Managing Teams. Organizational Dynamics 43.